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GodSpeed says...

> "On its southern border with Mexico,
> the US is experiencing a sharp
> increase in illegal immigration. In
> response, President Joe Biden has
> assigned Vice-President Kamala Harris
> to oversee border issues. These
> include the resurrection of an earlier
> Democratic administration prescription
> of economic prosperity in Central
> America as the best deterrent to
> northward migration toward the US."

Kamel Toe and Sleepy Joe are both incompetent, they're the ones that caused the border crisis to explode by encouraging illegals to come to America. But it goes beyond incompetence, they just don't care. They're not nationalists, they don't put America first, they're globalists. Biden even said that there should be "a surge at the border" if he became President. Now here it is. The drug dealers that run the trafficking operations are very happy with this administration. They made upwards of $14 Million per day delivering illegals to the US border once Biden got in back in February and the surge took off.

The truth is America is done as a country. It's being flooded by people that don't care about the rule of law, and don't care about doing things the right way. They're only coming to get whatever free handouts from the US government they can, like locusts, and once things are in ruin there won't be anywhere for anyone to run. These poor, uneducated, unskilled illegals who will be dependent on the state will ensure that America has a future population that is completely reliant on government for their survival, which makes politicians like Sleepy Joe and Kamel Toe very happy, and all powerful.

GodSpeed says...

Criminals that ran illegal gambling operations were rewarded for their efforts, corruption out in the open.

On Sebas blocked over Sun Cash takeover

Posted 2 July 2021, 9:31 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Take the vaccine and shove it where the Sun doesn't shine. The vaccinated are "tolerant" of the unvaccinated? There are more of us than you stupid.

GodSpeed says...

CNN is fake news and complete propaganda for the DNC, you should be glad someone cut it off you 🐑...instead of bleating to be told more lies.

On Where’s my CNN?

Posted 29 June 2021, 1:11 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

you're an idiot, many of these radical leftists were straight up calling for no police. Many of these Democrat ran cities decreased police presence. The result is rise in crime, even you should be able to understand that. But you get spoon fed spin from fake news which you just "TRUST", so you have no idea what is actually going on. Instead of actually watching the videos of these people saying it themselves, you'd rather have some talking head on TV spin you on how "defunding the police" doesn't actually mean "defunding the police". You probably still believe there were WMDs in Iraq too huh?

GodSpeed says...

well I know that I'm not lying, that's all that really matters.

GodSpeed says...

Also are you some kind of illegal or the child of one? If so please do us a favor and leave immediately with your family. Go back where you came from, if you don't like it here then why stay?

GodSpeed says...

> "So you believe that people should NOT
> be treated with dignity and respect."

How is your reading comprehension buddy? Where did I ever say that? But if you do want to be treated with dignity and respect, following the law would put you in a good position not to be exploited by those who would seek to do so.

GodSpeed says...

If I wanted to vote in the US I could though, it's still illegal for now but it happens all the time, (look it up) thanks to the radical Democrat party who don't care about borders or integrity of the vote. I remember when I lived in the US I was even encouraged to vote illegally by Democrats who were stumping for John Kerry. They didn't even care when I told them I wasn't a citizen, they were still trying to get me onboard. So I know how they operate first hand. I'll comment on your politics all I want, what are you gonna do about it hmm? 😘

GodSpeed says...

nothing I said is untrue you brainwashed muppet.