Comment history

GodSpeed says...

if you don't believe in the scripture why are you asking what it says? It's BS to you right? so don't worry about it. Last time I checked we don't live in a theocracy anyway.

GodSpeed says...

you better watch your mouth talking reckless on this internet, keep comments like this up and they may pay you a visit. Internet will be your worst enemy then.

GodSpeed says...

> "Some observers point to the August
> 2017 race riot at a “Unite the Right”
> rally that shocked tiny university
> town Charlottesville, Virginia and
> most of the rest of the US as the
> trigger event for residual resentment
> and violence across America."

Are you serious guy? This is 2021 but you're trying to blame nationwide violence on an isolated event from 2017 that only insane liberals care about? The violence didn't explode after Charlottesville in any related manner, it only started to explode in Democrat ran cities when they started literally "defunding the police". That's the cause of the explosion in murder and crime. Also letting BLM and Antifa thugs run wild in their Democrat cities, looting, burning and murdering unchecked for months just to use it as a political ploy against Trump.

GodSpeed says...

many migrants go missing when they go into Europe and America as well. maybe illegals should stay where they come from and leave us savages to ourselves.

GodSpeed says...

Oh no, somebody find the missing light skin. 😂 But seriously, these illegal invaders need to stay where they come from and things like this wouldn't happen. If I go on an illegal trek through foreign countries **I would expect** my body to be found somewhere face down in a ditch.

GodSpeed says...

Nationalism in this world is on the verge of extinction. Going to become one giant prison planet under an all powerful, all corrupt world government.

GodSpeed says...

Lauderhill is a ghetto dump, not surprising.

On Bahamian murdered in Florida

Posted 22 June 2021, 12:30 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

2019 was the year from hell with daily power outages for like an entire year, can't be worse than that.

GodSpeed says...

> "If you do not know what the L, G, B,
> T, Q, or plus stands for, get ready to
> learn."

I can't think of anything more worthless to "learn". No thanks 😂😂😂😂