Comment history

GodSpeed says...

> "Comparing that to a pedophile is not
> an apples to apples comparison."

Comparing homosexuals and pedophiles is fair because the same powerful people pushing for Gay Rights and spreading their agenda are also pro-pedophilia and spending lots of their time trying to lower the age of consent and sexualize children. They're the same political animal and will use similar arguments to push pedophilia into the mainstream. In 20 years you will be called a bigot and hate-filled for saying the things you are saying now about pedophiles, guaranteed. If you could go back 25 years ago and tell someone that they'd be called a bigot for saying a Man has a penis and a Woman has a vagina they wouldn't believe it either.

> "As you know, there isn't and can't be
> "mutual consent" between an adult and
> a child."

Not currently, but they're already working on that by lowering the age of consent bit by bit. Most recently the World Economic Forum was pushing for the age of consent to be 13 years old.

> "Furthermore, at the end of the day...
> what two adult males or two adult
> females do behind closed doors -- is
> NONE of my business."

Indeed, I don't care about what homosexuals do with each other behind closed doors, it's not like I advocate violence against them, but when they push their abnormality into the mainstream then we have a problem. Children today are bombarded with homosexuality, even in the cartoons they watch where they are being indoctrinated. Sit down and watch what your children are watching, you may be shocked.

They're coming for the kids. See Here:

On Answer on flying of Pride flag

Posted 15 June 2021, 4:47 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

should we get a headline every time someone dies from the flu too? pretty sure if we did people would be terrified of the flu.

On Cat Island man dies from COVID-19

Posted 15 June 2021, 11:33 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

That's the way it works, if you place a burden on the rich or make things difficult for them then they will leave. They can afford to leave and live where ever they want, the poor can't. When they leave things will get a whole lot worse.

GodSpeed says...

seems so, he/she/it exposed themselves. 🤢🤮

On Answer on flying of Pride flag

Posted 15 June 2021, 11:30 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

You should really stop projecting. Also learn how to curb your homosexual thoughts and urges. Despite what the TV and western media has told you, being gay is still seen as disgusting pretty much all over the world.

On Answer on flying of Pride flag

Posted 15 June 2021, 11:18 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

not sure where I said anything even remotely close to that, keep your gay fantasies to yourself guy. I know the TV and media has played a psychological game on you jokers over the years by saying that anyone who finds homosexuality revolting is a closeted homosexual but to actually be stupid enough to believe that is hilarious.

On Answer on flying of Pride flag

Posted 15 June 2021, 11:14 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Sure.... pedophiles use the same argument. Since you approve of this argument, don't be surprised in 20 years when it's used for pedophiles to target children who "consent". Maybe you'll even be supporting them just like you support homosexuals, once the media establishment has thoroughly made it mainstream that is, just like they did with homosexuality over the last 30 years.

On Answer on flying of Pride flag

Posted 15 June 2021, 11:13 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

One word. Inflation.

The US government printed a lot of money last year and the CPI has spiked. Forces beyond Rupert Roberts' control. Soon eating meat will be a luxury, if it isn't already.

GodSpeed says...

sure, you're so manly, that's why you stump for gays and freaks. don't worry I totally believe you

On Answer on flying of Pride flag

Posted 14 June 2021, 4:12 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

because I don't like gays and pedophiles? okay. rather be ignorant than a trendy weirdo like you. You probably believe a woman can have a penis. because MSNBC told you so of course.

On Answer on flying of Pride flag

Posted 14 June 2021, 3:57 p.m. Suggest removal