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GodSpeed says...

why? they're next in line after the gays and trannies.

On Answer on flying of Pride flag

Posted 14 June 2021, 3:54 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

God created pedophiles too, should the US Embassy fly their flag? The Bible states clearly that homosexuality is not of God.

On Answer on flying of Pride flag

Posted 14 June 2021, 1:14 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

One Law for Bahamians and One Law for Illegal Haitians. When can I go and build a home on some land that I didn't pay for and be protected?

GodSpeed says...

How is this legal, this is discrimination. These governments really are criminal. Still not taking the experimental bioweapon though 🙂

GodSpeed says...

> "Putin Won’t Find Biden As Easy To
> Handle"

lol is this a joke? When Putin rolled into Crimea and annexed it, who was in charge again? Wasn't it **Obama and Biden**? Yet somehow now Biden won't be easy to handle? You're running on about Trump not "lodging protests" over something that happened when BIDEN was in control and trying to make it look like Trump was weak on Putin when the Trump administration was tougher on Russia than the Obama/Biden administration?

Putin also put a stop to US regime change in Syria with Assad, frustrating the Obama/Biden war profiteering efforts. Those dopes thought it would be easy to get rid of Assad in Syria, or at least go full steam ahead for the military industrial complex like in Iraq but Putin threw a wrench into all of that. Notice that Putin didn't do any invading when Trump was in, he actually didn't need to, since those prior invasions were geopolitical moves to counter US moves.

Trump wasn't a part of the war profiteering club, that's why he was made enemy #1 by the establishment and media. No new wars during the Trump administration or meddling in Ukraine and wow look, somehow Putin doesn't do anything either 🤔 gee I wonder why? Could it be that he didn't need to? It speaks volumes that the only time the media unanimously praised Trump is when he carried out a bombing operation in Syria. The establishment loves War and Death, it makes $$$$.

Biden will not deter Putin. Biden is a weak, corrupt, senile, decrepit husk that can't even finish a sentence without mumbling and stumbling. Putin will run circles around him, if you've ever listened to the man speak you'd know he is way more intelligent than senile Joe could ever dream of being.

GodSpeed says...

BLM is a criminal and terrorist organization.

On Black Lives Matter ‘hypocrites’

Posted 10 June 2021, 2:49 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

she's a fraud.

On Black Lives Matter ‘hypocrites’

Posted 10 June 2021, 2:49 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

> "Could Trump Have Been Right After All?"

Of course Trump was/is right. Anyone not brainwashed by mainstream fake news like cnn, abc, msnbc and FOX knew the lab leak was how it went down from the start. Those who wanted to expose the truth had their social media accounts deleted, were said to be "debunked" and ridiculed by mainstream fake news watching 🐑. Those like Dr. Fauci who were treated as technocratic Gods by the media were the very ones who had culpability in the whole debacle. There are lots of other things Trump is right about as well, but you people who believe in the media will never get it until the truth is forced out.

GodSpeed says...

why do they want to fly the Rainbow flag on the US Embassy? Just to agitate because they know we do not endorse that? Is LGBTQ now part of the American government? They know LGBTQ will aid in population control, probably why they push it.

On Minnis must take stand on Pride flag

Posted 7 June 2021, 9:53 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

They won't spend a penny, they'll try to get us to spend money instead. What they need to do is gather up all the Haitians and carry them to Europe or America, whichever they came from.