Comment history

GodSpeed says...

Just a week ago you wrote a piece entitled:

> "Stateside: Trump Just Won’t Go Away
> And It May Be Liz Cheney Is The One To
> Stop Him Trying Again For The White
> House"

Now, do you see how out of touch you are with conservatives? As I said in the comments on that article, Trump is the Republican party right now. Nobody wants neocon, warmongering filth like Liz Cheney except msnbc, cnn, abc etc. She has about as much of a chance that Jeb Bush had to lead the Republican Party.

Your perspective is formed from mainstream fake news that was trying to engineer Liz Cheney as some kind of leader for the Republican party, that much is obvious. The establishment fears the return of America First more than anything. They started to push this narrative on their fake news that Liz Cheney is the new face of the GOP and then you assumed it was reality. Well, just a week later conservatives have ejected that RINO. But you still don't see how the talking heads on TV manipulated your reality. Afterwards they couldn't help themselves spreading her image and disparaging words about Trump all over their fake news media.

The Republican party will not be led by someone that attacks Trump repeatedly because most conservatives know that Trump did nothing wrong and that "insurrection" and "inciting violence" are lies of the Democrat party and their mainstream fake news propaganda. Any conservative fervently and repeatedly attacking Trump by repeating those Democrat lies exposes themselves as a RINO and mainstream media consuming Muppet with no chance of leading conservatives.

I will give you a real rising star of Conservatives before the lying leftist media has to tell you. That person is Ron DeSantis.

GodSpeed says...

Liz Cheney repeats the "insurrection" lies of the mainstream leftist media and democrat party. Trump never encouraged violence, the whole narrative is as fake and made up as WMDs in Iraq. The republican party can not be led by someone like that. Not to mention she's warmongering, war profiteering neocon filth. Since when are liberals so pro war? Fascists are people that shut down free speech, much like how Trump has been silenced from every social media platform. Those doing the censoring and encouraging it are the fascists.

GodSpeed says...

An army of Haitians are employed over here. The Bahamas is not serious about getting rid of them. If the government was serious they'd put heavy fines on businesses that hire them and create a very vocal campaign rewarding anyone who finds Haitians working for a Bahamian.

GodSpeed says...

Well you see what happened to them right? They're dead and gone, do you want that to be Bahamians?

GodSpeed says...

Should have never locked down in the first place. This virus is like the flu, it is never going away. The country with the highest vaccination rate on Earth (over 60%) went back into lockdown, cases rocketed when the vaccine arrived, coincidence I think not. Not taking the vax.

On Nurses: End state of emergency

Posted 12 May 2021, 8:55 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Tell the UN to take their precious illegals and carry them to Europe or New York, whichever they want. In fact, why don't they take in the entire population of Haiti one time? Only about 11 million of them or so, spread them in Europe and America and have fun with that.

Don't tell us what to do if you're not paying our bills, we are a small sovereign nation of not even 0.5 million. Your satanic one world government hasn't been quite set up just yet so don't get ahead of yourselves.

GodSpeed says...

There was massive election fraud, that's why Democrats are suing to stop ballot audits in Arizona. That's why they're defying subpoenas and won't release hardware for election audits. That's why they're fighting against common sense measures for election integrity. Even our elections in the Bahamas have more integrity than the great America, because Democrats like it that way. Trump is an American Icon and nobody was calling him a "racist pig" before he threatened Democrat power. Instead of worrying about "fascism" (you don't even know what fascism is obviously) you should be worrying about Socialism, Communism and Marxism... that's what's right around the corner and already poisoning America's institutions. But CNN and MSNBC don't tell you about that do they?

GodSpeed says...

If those are the options then good riddance, they're just as bad as Democrats. But of course the reality is Trump will win again. Democrats would have to steal it once more but not sure they'll be able to do massive fraud this time around, too many steps being made to reign in fraud they use, and too many eyes watching.

GodSpeed says...

> "There are serious people in the United
> States this morning who will tell you
> the future of democracy in America
> rests with Mitt Romney, Mitch
> McConnell and Liz Cheney."

TRUMP is the Republican party, without him it's dead. These three RINOs you list, nobody want them. Liz Cheney is the daughter of a war monger/war criminal and she's neocon filth, she will never get support from Trump's base, they're not going to vote for her. Mitt Romney was just booed of the stage at a state Republican Party conference and Mitch McConnell... just lol.

GodSpeed says...

why don't they pay us for all the money they stole for 60 years.