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GodSpeed says...

we get more murders in 2 years than that, is there a vaccine for murder?

On 59-year-old man dies from COVID-19

Posted 5 May 2021, 4:42 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Maybe, but I bet nobody has learned anything. Also maybe people would be more inclined to save if there were decent interest rates at the bank. Saving in a bank is just seeing your money erode away slowly. The government and central bank does everything it can to make it difficult to invest outside of the country.

GodSpeed says...

The Vax is causing the 3rd wave probably. It was going fine until people started taking the experimental bioweapon. Same in the rest of the world. As for hesitancy, I just don't want to take it, stop getting so upset. I don't trust you bastards or the international bodies giving you orders for good reason. That goes for big pharmaceutical companies, technocrats like Fauci, the CDC, the WHO and the lying mainstream news media you consider "real" news. I don't trust any of you.

My Body, My Choice 😊

GodSpeed says...

Funny how cases spiked in all these nations right after they started giving out vaccines.

GodSpeed says...

Again, it's not about race. It's about LEGAL vs illegal immigration. But since you bought up race, I hope you know as a white man that most of these illegals will be indoctrinated to hate you by Marxists who say things openly on twitter like "all white people should die" etc.

What do you think would happen to the Bahamas if you just open the border and let anyone come and live here without any legal process, how do you think that would play out? Mostly uneducated, poor people depending on government would come, in a time of fewer jobs thanks to automation and overpopulation. It would be a disaster, that's what will play out in the US.

On STATESIDE: Times they are a changing

Posted 30 April 2021, 10:31 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Again this isn't about race. It's about LEGAL vs illegal immigration. There is nothing wrong with people coming to America if they come legally through a vetted process. What about that can't you people understand? is the race baiting brainwashing by the media so strong you can't even think logically anymore? Try to make an argument for unvetted open borders without race baiting, lets see if you can manage that.

When I travel to the US, I go through a legal process. I have to get a VISA, get interviewed and now with COVID get tested, why do you think all that is? Yet illegals cross the border, you have no idea who they are, their intent or what diseases they carry, it's idiotic. it encourages child/human trafficking, drug trafficking... that's why the US is having an opioid crisis now.

As for me needing to "educate myself" I'm way more rational and educated about this than you obviously who has no argument except ranting about racial nonsense that's spread through the lying fake corporate news media. Why don't you try explaining to me how it makes sense to let people illegally flood your country without knowing who they are etc. Do you understand what open borders means for the future of America and the Bahamas? This isn't the 1890s when travel and communication was extremely time consuming and difficult. Open your borders today and your country will get flooded. You people are insane.

On STATESIDE: Times they are a changing

Posted 30 April 2021, 10:21 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Like a true brainwashed liberal all you can do is call people racist. First of all I'm black, second this has nothing to do with race. This is about LEGAL immigration vs illegal immigration and border security.

There is nothing wrong with immigration once it is a controlled and legally vetted process. That's not what happening in the US under Biden. Would you let just anyone off the street come and live in your house? Why do you think letting anyone just walk into your country is a good idea? Currently anyone is coming across the border... rapists, murderers, disease infected, terrorists, gang members, drug mules, child traffickers. The leftist fake news media is silent, Biden and Co. are silent and ignoring it, they actually encouraged it. You people are clueless and won't understand reality until it hits you in the face.

On STATESIDE: Times they are a changing

Posted 29 April 2021, 8:11 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

There is no ignorance in what I said, it's completely rational. You can't replace a "native" population and still maintain the same culture you had before. Learn from history, you can see that the Native American way is gone, replaced by European ways. Now another cultural and demographic shift is already underway and it will change America to its core. Going from a nation that valued free market capitalism and liberty, to a more backwards culture based on Marxism/Socialism, handouts and of course the eventual tyranny and poverty that comes with those ideologies.

Biden and the Democrats are importing future voters. It's an invasion, it is estimated human traffickers are making upwards of **$13 Million PER DAY** flooding the US border after Biden signaled the door is open. These are people that will be dependent on government, more importantly dependent on the Democrat party for larger and larger social welfare programs. The US will be a complete dump in the not too distant future with a population of serfs experiencing none of the freedoms they do today. Too bad.

On STATESIDE: Times they are a changing

Posted 29 April 2021, 6:13 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Americans are being replaced by illegals that come for free stuff promised by Democrats, they'll finish turning America into a shithole just like the ones they flee, probably within the next few decades, and then there will be nowhere for anyone to run.

On STATESIDE: Times they are a changing

Posted 29 April 2021, 5:54 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

apparently the vaccine can really screw you up if you've already had the virus like her and built up antibodies.

On Mandatory vaccination

Posted 28 April 2021, 8:25 p.m. Suggest removal