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GodSpeed says...

How did these people even come to the Bahamas....they need to go the US, we can't afford them. Accept them and more will come. When the Bahamas is overran with them YOU will have nowhere to run.

GodSpeed says...

USA sends us their tourists, that's enough. China on the other hand rolls over their own people with tanks, so what do you think they'll do to you if they need to?

GodSpeed says...

Covid has a 99.9%+ survivability rate, that's my answer.

Take the vaccine like a good little slave and you may end up like the lady here:

On To vaccinate or not?

Posted 7 April 2021, 10:19 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

well I can't help but agree with that because it's true. I can't take a "vaccine" to avoid being a victim of violent crime in this country, which is way more scary than Covid. I just have to learn to live with it. So why all the fear mongering to make us take unproven "vaccines" for Covid? Why can't we learn to live with it? Because there is money to be made for those pushing the vaccines, that's why.

This is all one giant scam just out to make money at our expense and I don't feel like playing along. Pharmaceutical companies will make many Billions from this nonsense after forcing basically everyone in the world to take their product by force. With so much money slushing around, it's easy enough for them to buy off the news media which you trust, the politicians you trust, the health professionals you trust and everyone else in on the scam. If they can push phoney wars like the Iraq War in which the media and everyone else lied, then you better believe they will push a phoney pandemic. It's a Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex!

On Why the vaccine controversy?

Posted 7 April 2021, 9:29 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

> "Do you really think the long term
> effects are worst than the last year,
> in deaths and economic dislocation?"

What's causing economic destruction is not Covid, but mass media fueled hysteria about Covid and government imposed lockdowns. As for deaths, Covid is a virus with a 99.9%+ survivability rate for most people.

On Why the vaccine controversy?

Posted 7 April 2021, 9:23 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

what are you doing away from CNN and MSNBC? get back to your regularly scheduled "programming" you 🐑

On Why the vaccine controversy?

Posted 6 April 2021, 8:24 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

This vaccine is not like the others dumb-dumb. It's more like gene therapy than a vaccine.

> "Looking to the near future people who
> refuse the vaccine will become
> pariahs.
> They will be unemployable. Society
> will deal with them harshly. Try
> getting on a plane 12 months from now
> without the vaccine. Try getting your
> job back at Atlantis or Baha Mar
> without the vaccine. Whether we like
> it or not the world community will
> insist on a COVID vaccine passport in
> some form or another."

Uh yeah exactly, and all of that is not a good thing for human freedom. Sounds a lot like the Beast System laid out in the Bible. This is all about control, forcing people to take unproven bioweapons into their body is a violation of the principles of the Nuremberg Code on human experimentation. You understand NOBODY knows the long term effects of these new "vaccines" right? If anything happens to you the companies are also indemnified, you could drop dead and they don't break a sweat, you'd be just another number. And people have already dropped dead after taking this vaccine, nobody cares.

Keep supporting nonsense like this and one day the government will do something you really don't want to go along with, you will complain about it, and they will squash you like a bug, just like they'll do to us who don't want the shot... People just love the authoritarian boot until it's on their neck.

On Why the vaccine controversy?

Posted 6 April 2021, 8:09 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Here's an idea, stay out of prison. Then you don't have to worry about that.

On Embarrassing state report on The Bahamas

Posted 6 April 2021, 8:08 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

lmao, no thanks. My community sucks anyway.

GodSpeed says...

Not taking the vaccine won't prevent the nation from achieving COVID-19 herd immunity status. You people understand humanity has been around for thousands of years before vaccines ever came around right? Herd immunity will come with or without a vaccine. And a virus with a 99.9%+ survivability rate isn't exactly world ending anyway. Get a grip, you people are hysterical. Our ancestors would be laughing at us.

And yes the vaccine is the Mark of the Beast in a sense because they're trying to make it so you can't do anything without the Mark. Governments want to limit the freedoms of people until they get the mark and they're already doing that. Soon you won't be able to do anything until you get accept their experimental bioweapon into your body. That's what the Mark of the Beast is all about, control. Here come the COVID passports.

On Vaccine is not the mark of the beast

Posted 4 April 2021, 10:55 p.m. Suggest removal