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GodSpeed says...

Just send the Haitians to the US, let Biden and the DemonRat party take them in, since they're all about open borders now. That's where the Haitians really want to be anyway.

GodSpeed says...

Trump was the best President on your lifetime, sorry that you don't understand why.

GodSpeed says...

Trump was the only US President in decades not to start another illegal war. For that alone he is the best.

On Markle for president?

Posted 27 March 2021, 2:46 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Nationwide Economic Suicide for a virus that killed 188 people (allegedly), something less than 0.05% of the population. The death rate in the Bahamas didn't even spike, what a killer virus, was definitely worth shutting down everything for a year.

On 18 new COVID-19 cases confirmed

Posted 26 March 2021, 9:57 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

"Racist"? Haitian is a race now? Fred Smith would fit right in with insane American liberals. The word "racist" has completely lost its meaning. Also the difference between Stalin and Mao vs what's being suggested is that Stalin and Mao did that to their own citizens. These illegal Haitians are foreign invaders with no right to be here. And like all liberals, Fred Smith has no desire to live among the people he virtue signals about. Why not move the shanty town next to your home since you're so okay with them. Why not take in 10 or so Haitian families into your home since you're so "not racist" and care so much about them? Why not go live among them? You would never do that you phoney. You don't have to live around these people and their nastiness and you don't want to either.

GodSpeed says...

Yeah you've got nothing to talk about without Trump, what else is new? Hopefully much of the fake news media in the US goes out of business now.

GodSpeed says...

> "After the disaster of Donald Trump"

Donald Trump was the best US President of your lifetime fool. America now has President Biden that can't even walk up the stairs to AirForce One without falling down. It's a reflection of the decline of America and America is pretty much finished as a country now. it would take a miracle to save the US at this point. It's being ran by totally corrupt incompetents and being flooded by illegals as they move closer and closer to Socialism. While they're worried about diversity, inclusion and other bull, the totally homogenous China will crush them economically.

On Markle for president?

Posted 25 March 2021, 12:47 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

and how will they pay for it? Illegals will end up using it too I bet.

GodSpeed says...

For tens of thousands of years the Men went out and hunted/defended while the women took care of the duties of child rearing and home keeping. That is the proper order of things.

There is nothing wrong with traditional female roles and male roles, both are equally important and best suited to their respective sex. Women and men would be happier and more fulfilled if things were the way they were before feminist insanity took over the earth. Back in the 1950's a Man could make enough money to support his entire family with money to spare, but with the removal of the gold standard and rampant inflation, women had to get in the rat race as well just so a family could provide a similar standard of living compared to back then. A moral and cultural decline has followed ever since. Things will get worse of course, the plan is to destroy the nuclear family completely.

GodSpeed says...

This link you provided is not a credible source, they don't know what they're talking about. Like I said those countries you listed are NOT Democratic Socialist, they will tell you this themselves. They are Capitalist countries with a welfare state. Here is the former president of Denmark (then President) telling you himself that they do not practice "Democratic Socialism":…

He made things clear after Bernie Sauders tried to call the Nordic Model "Democratic Socialism" in a debate because even the people that push a utopia of "Democratic Socialism" can't tell you what it is (I'll let you in on a secret, It's just Socialism). The reality is Socialists can't point to any Socialist country that's not a failure so they tried to co-opt Capitalist countries to rebrand their socialist nonsense:…

Just look up the "Nordic model" to understand how the Scandinavian countries operate, it is not "Democratic Socialism" whoever tells you that is a liar trying to make it seem like Socialism is anything other than a failure. The countries you originally listed practice Capitalism with a welfare state, that's the same for Canada. So please just stop. Again, socialist failures like Bernie Saunders want to co-opt Capitalism and rebrand it as "Democratic Socialism", and the majority of people are so stupid, and the media is so corrupt, that it can actually work.

Like I said, even Bernie Saunders, the chief advocate of Democratic Socialism in the US can't explain what "Democratic Socialism" is when pressed in an election debate. All he does is point to the Nordic model, which IS NOT Democratic Socialism and whine about Billionaires and Millionaires, when he himself is a multi-millionaire. But what could you expect from an idiot that pushes Socialism anyway? He's never had a real job in his entire life. These are the morons that people like you want to put in power. "Democratic Socialism" is Socialism, that's the reality. Do you know in North Korea they have elections? Same in Venezuela and the USSR had them too.

China and the former USSR indeed are Socialist Countries. There has never been a Communist country on earth. There are "Communists" and "Communist Parties" but there are no real Communist countries, they're all Socialist countries working towards Communism. Communism is the end goal of Socialism as Lenin put it. A Communist society is supposed to operate without money. Have you ever seen a country on earth that operated without money? There has never been a true Communist society because Communism doesn't work. All you end up with is a Socialist, totalitarian nightmare because of the centralization of power.

On Zimbabwe problems

Posted 22 March 2021, 10:14 a.m. Suggest removal