Comment history

GodSpeed says...

Okay but you understand the people of Zimbabwe suffered more under Mugabe, a black man, than they did under Ian Smith right? Mugabe killed more blacks than Ian Smith ever did. He stole from them and oppressed them more than Ian Smith did as well. Under Ian Smith you could find a job, save money, have food to eat and a home. You could have saved your wealth and leave Rhodesia to live somewhere less "racist" if you felt like it. But now Zimbabwe is a completely ruined shithole, they went from being able to export food to the African continent to now they can't even feed themselves and are hungry. Their money is the joke of the planet, trillion dollar bills, savings destroyed. You keep focusing on the racial element, I'm talking about the economics. I'd rather live in a "racist country" where I can feed myself and my family, get an education, have a home and shelter etc. than in a non-racist country where I'm eating out of a garbage can, homeless, starving to death and still getting oppressed, but just by people that have the same skin color as me this time.

So which is worse? Which would you rather? You people are so terrified of "white supremacy" because of media hype that you don't even realize the real enemy is Marxism. "White Supremacy" is dead and it's not coming back. Marxism and eating out of a garbage can, that's the immediate threat to free people of the world and the media and politicians in the west are all for it.

In todays world, the Marxists and Socialist "Democrats" in the US say that the United States is a "racist country". I'm black, I've lived in the US for half a decade at one point and the US was a great place to live, you could find work easily, a place to live, food. But now they're "fixing" the US and when they're through it will be just another shithole, just like Zimbabwe.

On Zimbabwe problems

Posted 22 March 2021, 9:08 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

> "Democratic Socialist countries such
> as Canada, France, Sweden and Denmark
> etc all have the highest quality of
> life on the planet."

**Literally none** of those countries are "Democratic Socialist". Where did you read that? CNN? You brainwashed fools love to try and highlight the "Nordic model" and don't even understand how it works πŸ™‚ it's really funny.

As for my original point. Rhodesia was taken over by Marxists backed by actual Socialist countries like China and the USSR. Robert Mugabe was a Marxist and just like in Animal Farm when the animals got rid of the mean ol' farmer he was replaced by the Pigs ( representing Socialists/Marxists ) and after all those beautiful promises of equality and social welfare the Animals worked much harder and lived much worse than they ever did under the farmer. That's the story of Zimbabwe, and that's the story of any country where idiots like you fall for Socialism. Didn't they make you read Animal Farm in school? Or did you just not understand what you were reading?

On Zimbabwe problems

Posted 21 March 2021, 5:48 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Calm down fella. I'm not saying Zimbabwe should "go back" to anything. I'm explaining to you how Marxism ruins nations. As Rhodesia, Blacks enjoyed a better quality of life than they do now. They had food, jobs and affordable housing even if the Whites were racist.

Compare Rhodesia to what Zimbabwe is, which was better to live in? Which would you want to live in? A "racist" country, where you can find work, provide for your family and have savings that don't evaporate into thin air over night, or a "non-racist" country where you eat out of the garbage? Simple question really.

On Zimbabwe problems

Posted 21 March 2021, 5:26 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

I'm sorry if you can't follow a simple argument, the connection I made is quite clear.

On Zimbabwe problems

Posted 21 March 2021, 9:07 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Not sure why this is being written to the Tribune, but Zimbabwe was better off as Rhodesia. It was the bread basket of Africa, now they can't even feed themselves.

Zimbabwe is what happens when Marxists take over your country. They can turn the most prosperous nation into a complete dump as also seen in Venezuela. Western countries like America and Canada have not heeded these lessons and likely with also be a complete dump. It will only take a few decades if things keep going the way they are with idiotic "Democratic Socialists" being elected to office in the US, combined with thousands of illegals coming across the border for promises of free stuff from the government. Oh well.

On Zimbabwe problems

Posted 20 March 2021, 10:48 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

lmao Ed Fields is now a vaccine expert too huh? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Just like Bill Gates? So what networth is needed to become a vaccine expert. I wanna go on TV and convince people to take the shot, so we can get herd immunity. Do I need to also be a member of a Satanic lodge or no?

On Over-65s invited to take COVID vaccine

Posted 19 March 2021, 11:45 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

**"Trust"** 🀣🀣

Yeah "trust us guys!".... the giant pharmaceutical companies that rushed this bioweapon don't even trust themselves. That's why if you get a terrible reaction to the bioweapon or even die, they made sure you and your loved ones can't sue them.

Big Pharma I thought we had something real here ya know? I thought we had trust, but you got a prenup! You've pre-planned for failure you liar! How can you ask me to trust you with my life when you're protecting yourselves from damages and out to make money? I can't even sue you if you screw up? In fact, now you can just push anything into my body without repercussion... tsk tsk, you're so manipulative. How can I trust with a relationship like that? The moral contract is all screwed up. This feels like this is a toxic relationship with a manipulative psychopath.

So I won't be "trusting" the giant pharmaceutical companies looking to make billions from their rushed BioWeapon. Let the πŸ‘πŸπŸ‘ who blindly trust authority take it and thank you for your service. Maybe after 10 years I'll take it, ya know, if I feel like it 😊 my body, my choice.

GodSpeed says...

just go take your shot, stop trying to convince others to be as gullible as you are.

GodSpeed says...

No thanks, also please post updates on these people. Especially after the 2nd dose.

GodSpeed says...

Wow so there are people who actually watch that garbage.