Comment history

GodSpeed says...

That's right tribanon. ChiComs have no issue killing Christians or throwing them in Prison Camps called "Laogai". The state is their god, it is above family, friends and faith. We can only hope that beast system collapses before they become the most powerful nation in the world.

GodSpeed says...

Reminds me of the Sea Hauler.

GodSpeed says...

Never taking the BioWeapon you demons, so give it up.

GodSpeed says...

4 Billion Bahamians died of Covid, May they rest in peace.

GodSpeed says...

Yes, Minnis and our health officials just obey whatever the unelected global overlords and the CCP says. They're either fully onboard or stupid.

On No evidence vaccine behind blood clots

Posted 16 March 2021, 10:25 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Who cares what the fake news corporate media is reporting. They've been whining about "super spreader" events since last year, but when it's BLM riots and BLM protests with tens of thousands of people in the streets or celebrating Biden's stolen election in the streets, then they change the narrative and Covid suddenly doesn't exist. So let the Spring Breakers party and remove the Covid restrictions completely. It's all a sham.

On No evidence vaccine behind blood clots

Posted 16 March 2021, 10:16 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Yeah sure it's safe, just causes blood clots, cancer false positives, HIV false positives, breast cancer false positive, Bell's palsy and sometimes death like with the young lady in this story:…

And that's just the stuff we know about. Seems like it completely wreaks havoc on your body I'd day. Who knows what it will do long term? Nobody tested it to know what it will do long term, the test is on us. Nobody gives a damn if you get sick or die from this bioweapon. They'll just say you died from Covid. There will be no money paid to families that lose loved ones and the pharmaceutical companies make lots of money, they win. All of this for a virus with a 99.9%+ survivability rate. Not taking the shot!

On No evidence vaccine behind blood clots

Posted 16 March 2021, 10:11 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

This guy came to the Bahamas to do honest business and got robbed by Chinese scammers and corrupt Bahamian politicians.

GodSpeed says...

Smart Lady! When you drop dead from that vaccine, nobody cares and there is nobody to sue!

Young healthy mother dies after taking the Bioweapon vaccine:…

GodSpeed says...

No Thanks!

**Young Woman dies 4 days after taking the bioweapon:**…