Comment history

GodSpeed says...

Economic suicide was carried out with the lockdowns over the jokey virus. Minimum wage hike are just the death throes and bleeding out afterwards.

GodSpeed says...

"Diversity" is always code for less Men or less white people.

On Diversity and politics

Posted 8 March 2021, 8:27 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Give this dude a ticket to Mexico and let him illegally enter the US with the Central Americans, the US has open borders under Biden and the Democrats, they won't ask him a single question and will give him free money.

GodSpeed says...

Such a deadly virus that even old men defeat it easily. With a 99.9%+ survival rate it was definitely worth it to destroy the world economy. Now give us the experimental bio weapon vaccines to keep us even more safe, quickly!

On Former PM Ingraham out of hospital

Posted 3 March 2021, 9:59 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

> "You are correct, trump was highly
> thought of before he ran for
> president. But its now pretty obvious
> that everything about him was a lie."

The only lies came from the corrupt corporate media, your abc, nbc, cnn, msnbc etc. fake news that pushed lies like "WMDs in Iraq". Nothing about Trump has changed since back in the 80's when he was a media and pop culture darling. Trump is, if nothing else, 100% authentic, and that's why he gained such popular support. Trump was, and still is, greatly hated by the establishment that profits from illegal Wars and other corruption, that's why they colluded to get rid of him. Trump is not destroyed, although they wanted to destroy him very badly so that such a populist President never threatens the swamp's hold on power ever again.

GodSpeed says...

Hubert Ingraham will be fine, he has a 95% chance of survival from the oh-so-deadly virus, so give it a rest.

GodSpeed says...

> "He was Donald Trump before Trump was
> Trump"

What is this even supposed to mean?

Trump has had celebrity status since the early 80's as an American icon of ultra wealth. In the early 90's before people talked about being "Bill Gates Rich" it was common to reference Donald Trump as a well known wealthy icon. None of the idiots that call Trump a "racist" today had any issue with him before he entered politics. The Clintons invited him to weddings, Oprah, Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton were his associates, etc.

Only when Trump threatened the criminal Democrat party's hold on power, that's when the leftist media spun him into some kind of Hitler figure and countless brainwashed morons that eat it up. But anyone old enough, with a memory span longer than a goldfish, knows well that Trump was never a hated figure but renowned for his wealth and success. Just listen to rap music references about Trump from the 80's, 90's and all the way through to the 2000's before Trump attacked the Democrats and see how it shifts from adoration to hatred once the media machine started their attack.

GodSpeed says...

This story just doesn't make sense.

GodSpeed says...

Trump won by ALOT! The election was completely stolen by counting all the illegal votes. Those "half a million deaths" are greatly inflated by people who didn't actually die from Covid at all.

On Vaccines and outright lies

Posted 24 February 2021, 1:42 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Hey buddy, if you like blindly trusting authority then go right ahead and take the shot. But stop trying to force others to go along with you. I don't know Dr. Fauci, do you? He could be corrupt and in the pocket of pharmaceutical companies out to make a buck for all I know. What I do know about him is that Dr Fauci has contradicted himself many times. Dr. Fauci said masks don't work:…

Then he said to wear masks, hey even wear two at one time he says, when other doctors will tell you outright that masks don't work like he stated correctly in the twitter video I linked, but those doctors get silenced for not playing along with the joke.
He also flip-flopped on opening schools. So maybe it's less about science and more about power.

> "That’s because our parents trusted
> the doctors, scientists and the
> experts."

lol yeah right, do you know how hard it is to get old island people to go to the doctor? They have common sense, they don't blindly trust people like you do, no matter how much of a big shot they're supposed to be. Also most of us took vaccines because the government forces you to take them in order to go to school. Look up the Tuskegee experiments and see what blindly trusting authority gets you.

> "If you have not been lucky enough to
> get a first class education how can
> you filter out the truth?"

What is it with you type of people and this arrogance that you're the enlightened ones and anyone who doesn't listen and obey must not be educated? We all have our own minds and can reason for ourselves.

> "Not since the Spanish flu of 1919 has
> anything of the scope of COVID been
> such as an existential threat not only
> to our health but also to our very
> civilisation."

COVID is not "a threat to our very civilization". There is no way that a virus with a 99.9+% survivability rate for most human beings can ever destroy human civilization. Unless that is we constantly lockdown our economy in mass hysteria because of 24/7 media fear mongering. It's the lockdowns not the virus.

**FACT:** mRNA vaccines are not the kind of vaccines we took as kids.

**FACT:** These types of vaccines have NEVER before been used on human beings.

**fact:** nobody including your "experts" knows the long term effects of mRNA vaccines and if something happens to you down the line 3 or 5 years from now, nobody will be held accountable or liable. This is a mass human experiment.

**FACT:** The mainstream news media and social media companies have colluded to censor and deplatform real "doctors, scientists and experts" who warn against taking the vaccine. Yet they push Bill Gates, who is not a doctor, scientist or an expert all over the TV telling people what to do and think like he's a God. Obviously something isn't right here.

Just from the way you think I can tell you're a true msnbc+cnn/mainstream media watching 🐑.

On Vaccines and outright lies

Posted 23 February 2021, 7:58 p.m. Suggest removal