Comment history

GodSpeed says...

It should be good for laughs.

GodSpeed says...

What I want to know is why can I only use exemption when I travel. We should be able to use our yearly exemption amount for ordering things online too. Especially with the virus hysteria going on.

On Customs

Posted 23 February 2021, 12:21 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

I don't use Facebook buddy, never even had an account. Facebook is an intelligence gathering database for government and corporations to run psychological experimentation and surveillance on 🐑🐏🐑 like you.……

GodSpeed says...

> "We can’t imagine many people are
> happy with things going on the way
> they are – so that’s the choice, take
> the vaccine, or stay as we are with
> curfews and lockdowns and the fear of
> the virus taking away our loved ones."

My loved ones will be fine from the 99.9%+ survivable virus. The lockdowns and curfews are what destroyed the Bahamian economy, not this hyped up flu virus. Covid death numbers are greatly inflated worldwide. For example if someone dies of a heart attack in the US and they test them for Covid and find them positive they label it a "Covid Death". The same goes for accidental death etc. even though it wasn't the cause of death. Flu and all other respiratory deaths are at incredible lows because all of those deaths are being called "Covid" deaths. Then the corrupt Fake News Media uses this inflated death count to fearmonger people into taking experimental vaccines so that pharmaceutical companies can make hundreds of Billions of dollars globally. This whole thing is one giant scam.

GodSpeed says...

Why are they risking their lives to go to the "racist" United States? Biden and the Democrats promise free citizenship and free money to illegals.

On Clinging to life for 36 hours

Posted 23 February 2021, 8:33 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

lol, like to copy the states in everything.

GodSpeed says...

99.9%+ survivability rate

GodSpeed says...

Well you sound like a Nazi, suggesting forced inoculations on people to take experimental vaccines which NOBODY knows the long term effects of? What's wrong with you people? This virus has a 99.9%+ survivability rate, the media has you 🐏🐑🐑 completely brainwashed and in a state of hysteria with their inflated death count and constant fear mongering. FYI someone doesn't have to actually die of COVID for the death to be recorded as a "COVID death".

GodSpeed says...

If you want to take it, fine. But forcing it on others? What are you some kind of Nazi?

GodSpeed says...

NO thanks.