Comment history

GodSpeed says...

We'll never see 50% debt to GDP ever again. The whole world is drowning in debt anyway and all it does is increase because the system is inherently flawed.

GodSpeed says...

Food Distribution should be easy to organize but I suspect there is a lot of theft going on by those who are in charge of giving out the food, that's why you never get phone calls lady. They could even text or email people when it's time for distribution if there was anyone with some basic organizational skills in charge.

GodSpeed says...

Covid-19 is the excuse to indefinitely suspend all your rights and freedoms. Getting it yet?

On ‘How long must we hold on?’

Posted 29 January 2021, 10:22 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

You can guess that Trump would have left but I'll bet he would have caved, it's how he works in negotiations. Although imo seeing it through would have been best for the US because the WHO is completely useless and bungled handling of virus as Trump laid out in his letter. Trump's biggest mistake early on was listening to the WHO which was more concerned in covering up for China (only God knows why) and "racism and xenophobia", than stopping an actual pandemic.

GodSpeed says...

> "PAHO officials also said there is no
> extra funding to gain from the
> “return” of America to the World
> Health Organization as a member state,
> as that country never really
> officially left the international
> public health authority as believed.
> During the onset of the COVID-19
> pandemic, it was reported by the media
> that former President Donald Trump
> pulled the United States as a member
> state of WHO."

Gee do you mean to say the media lied and mislead people to paint Trump in a bad light? Wow who could believe that? 🙃

GodSpeed says...

It's the lockdowns causing it, not the virus.

GodSpeed says...

nobody will make them answer, they were too busy putting the blame on Trump for political purposes.

GodSpeed says...

D’Aguilar told it like it is. Give it to the people straight. The reality of the actions of the Biden administration are already making an impact with workers being furloughed and reservations by Americans being cancelled. So why should he give some fake answer, tell it to people like it is so they can be aware and prepare for the worst.

> "There appears to be room for
> discussion with the Biden
> Administration about the proposed new
> measures."

Yeah sure, they don't care if you starve buddy 😂 let's base our national policy on the hope the Biden gives us a special exemption 🙄. Get Real!

On D’Aguilar knee-jerk reaction

Posted 26 January 2021, 11:44 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Trump wanted to shut down the borders before the virus arrived, idiots like Biden and the WHO said it was racist. So Trump's only fault was listening to those Democrat morons and the WHO, both of which are now in charge and will surely make things 100x worse.

GodSpeed says...

How did they get way over here to the Bahamas?? Now they're suing us, looking for a payday? We don't have money to pay these people. African scammers, looking to get rich. Why didn't they go to America or another African country? Why doesn't the UN take them to Europe or something? There is no money to help these people, we can't even help our own! 😡