Comment history

GodSpeed says...

This is the Great Reset, people are never going back to the office, we've already proven we are nonessential by staying home for a year.

On BTC ‘entertaining’ offers for JFK HQ

Posted 25 January 2021, 8:36 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Fusion Superplex is probably on the verge of bankruptcy unfortunately.

On BTC ‘entertaining’ offers for JFK HQ

Posted 25 January 2021, 8:35 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Biden won't fix anything, sorry to break it to you. Biden and Obama oversaw the H1N1 pandemic and screwed it up royally so there's no way he'll be able to handle Covid. It was easy for them to attack the Trump administration as the opposition but the truth is they have no solutions you 🐑

GodSpeed says...

@milesair ....That was under the Trump Administration, Biden and the DemonRats are in charge now.

GodSpeed says...

Biden won't give you a break, they don't care if you starve. Just send the Bahamian population to live as refugees in America where they can get free money from the socialist Biden regime. The Democrats will make them US citizens too, if we can drop our population by about 50% we should be okay.

GodSpeed says...

Thanks Biden, p.o.s.

GodSpeed says...

The State of Emergency will never be lifted. This is the new normal. Constitutional rights indefinitely suspended.

On Govt to extend state of emergency until May

Posted 25 January 2021, 12:17 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

gee ya think so?

GodSpeed says...

They're pumping up the numbers with all kinds of deaths that aren't even related to COVID. The 400K figure is BS. No wonder flu deaths are at a record low, they're probably attributing all flu deaths to Covid.

GodSpeed says...

Precisely, the first US President in so many decades not to start illegal wars for profit. That's partly why the establishment hated him so much. The only time CNN praised him in the last 4 years was for bombing a Syrian airbase. Those people are pure evil and I'm sure Biden and Co. will have them making blood money again shortly.