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GodSpeed says...

> "Dr. Anthony Fauci, the American voice
> of science and sense"

Seriously? Do you know how many times Dr. Fauci has contradicted himself? That man is so full of sh*t his eyes are brown.

On COVID test to enter U.S. a good step

Posted 22 January 2021, 8:13 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Better start learning how to grow your own food.

GodSpeed says...

Donald Trump was the greatest US President of our time that was ruthlessly demonized by a corrupt news media establishment which is nothing more than a political propaganda arm for the DNC. He put America first and by putting America first the Bahamas would have benefited greatly.

Joe Biden is a senile, hair-sniffing deviant and corrupt husk with a literal crackhead pedophile for a son that he used as a conduit to sell America out for personal financial gain. I assume that will only increase now through the usual "non-profit" channels. Joe Biden hasn't even been in office a week yet and is already wreaking havoc on our economy and things will get much worse for us and for the Americans the longer these corrupt incompetents are in power.

GodSpeed says...

The Bahamas has the most beautiful waters in the world, that's what matters.

GodSpeed says...

Pretty sure Trump can find the Bahamas on a map since he used to own much of Paradise Island.

GodSpeed says...

lol I know, that was a good one 😁

GodSpeed says...

Going under the US won't save us. The US is doomed, Biden and the socialists will see to that.

GodSpeed says...

🙄 It's 2021, pretty sure those "slaves from Africa" are very long dead, so they're not going to be "disagreeing" with anything. But wait, there are still Blacks enslaving other Blacks in Africa as we type, keeping them in cages, chaining them upside down in groups and selling them for the best price in Mauritania, Libya, Sudan etc.. but I'm sure you don't care or even know about that though huh? 🤔 Only slavery you care about is the long abolished kind only brought up now to demonize and undermine western civilization.

GodSpeed says...

Yes they should have, but when Trump attempted to block travel from China almost exactly 1 year ago, before the virus impacted the US. People like Biden said it was xenophobic and racist. Yet now you're crediting Biden and attacking Trump. You people have the memory span of a goldfish...

GodSpeed says...

Yeah their "culture" is so great that's why they all run to live in the Bahamas and the US.