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GodSpeed says...

The impacts of shutting down the global economy will be much worse than Covid ever was. Rising suicides world wide, financial ruin, starvation, depression, currency crises, mental illness, coming wars and more. The death count of the lockdowns will be incalculable. Never before has the world committed such economic suicide, following the model of a backwards, authoritarian, Communist hellhole like China.

Like Trump understood, the "cure" can't be worse than the disease. Like Trump said we can't all just lock ourselves in a basement to be "safe". Life is not safe. This mass hysteria about the virus is similar to people being afraid to fly when many more die in car accidents. There are things worse than death and times when the living envy the dead, keep on this insane road and that's where we're headed.

GodSpeed says...

But we don't know the long term effects of the vaccines. You can't deny that. It's flying blind. There is a lot that is unknown.

GodSpeed says...

The only fear is the fear pumped by the media, mostly in the US. Most people aren't afraid of Covid that's why you have to **force them into lockdowns**. If people were afraid of Covid, you wouldn't need forced lockdowns, instead you'd have to beg them to come outside.

Open it up and let people travel and they'll travel just like the virus doesn't exist, just like they partied in 2020 and were called "Covidiots" by the media for not succumbing to their fear mongering. They shouldn't be afraid either, since 99%+ of people survive Covid. Covid doesn't undermine the economy, lockdowns do.

GodSpeed says...

You have to think of some new insults. But I know thinking is not easy for you.

GodSpeed says...

I hope all the Democrat-loving, Trump-hating Bahamians are happy with Biden now. 😂 This is just the start. But at least that mean ol' orange man MSNBC told you is so "rayciss" is gone right? 😂😂 So sorry, but the experimental vaccines won't stop Covid and if you knew much about them you probably wouldn't wanna take them! Biden has some more devastating tricks up his sleeves that will wreck the Bahamas, hope you have a lot of savings......... in Gold

GodSpeed says...

Sean Hannity pushed the illegal Iraq War, indeed he is not to be trusted. And what lies are you talking about if I may ask?

GodSpeed says...

Trump isn't the one that stopped travel to the Bahamas, we did it to ourselves. Trump knew that we had to learn to live with the virus, not destroy our way of life. It had nothing to do with "caring if people lived or died", that's how the media spun it. Biden on the other hand will lock everything down until the Bahamas tourism industry collapses.

GodSpeed says...

Pelosi called Trump a "xenophobe" and racist for wanting to shut down travel from China. She then went into the streets of China town and danced with Chinese people when she should have been social distancing and staying away from them. Look it up 🐑 how quick you people forget.

GodSpeed says...

Well it was difficult for him to stop all flights with Biden, Pelosi, Fauci, the leftist media, the WHO and China all calling him a racist for doing it. People like you were doing the same thing. You are right though, Trump should have never let you morons bully him into letting the virus enter the US.

GodSpeed says...

The former president wanted to shut down travel from infected China before the virus ever reached the US. The idiots that are now in charge told him that was racist and danced in the streets with Chinese instead of "social distancing". Those same idiots will totally wreak havoc on America's economy.