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GodSpeed says...

Trump never classified all immigrants as illegal, he always differentiated between LEGAL and illegal immigration, the media just lied to you. It's amazing what the media has you people thinking, good lord, talk about brainwashed.

GodSpeed says...

That's the Democrat solution! How liberal.

GodSpeed says...

What conspiracy theories?

GodSpeed says...

Covid 19 didn't bring a Tourist embargo. Government lockdowns did.

GodSpeed says...

The virus will never end. You have to learn to live with it just like we do with the flu. Trump was trying to explain this to you people. COVID has a 99%+ survivability rate, we don't need to destroy our way of life to live with it like the media fear mongering would have you believe.

Besides, Dr Fauci and the rest of the technocrats have already said things will never go back to normal. Even in authoritarian China where the dystopian lockdown model (and the virus) came from...even over there, they're going back into lockdown because of "mutated" COVID strains. Every other quarter you'll need another shot and only God knows what the experimental mRNA vaccines will do to those who take it in the long term and what it will cause Covid to mutate into.

GodSpeed says...

LEGAL immigrants. Not illegal. There is a difference. Stop listening to CNN and MSNBC misinformation.

GodSpeed says...

Yes this is only the beginning.

GodSpeed says...

> "This is an obviously needed move.
> Under trump the US has been one of the
> hardest hit countries on the planet."

Yeah so said MSNBC right? 😁 Trump wanted to stop travel to America from the China Virus before it even arrived. Dems like Biden, the WHO and the News Media said that was "rayciss". So it's not Trump's fault, it's the fault of the same idiots who are in charge now.

> "This is in fact how you mitigate a
> pandemic."

Not when they'll be allowing tens of thousands of illegals infected with COVID and God knows what else, to come in with no quarantine whatsoever.

> "And this is also exactly why the
> vaccine is so important. Do your civic
> duty and get vaccinated so we can put
> the pandemic behind us."

The bioweapon "vaccine" will not stop Covid, it's already mutated making most of them obsolete. You'll have to get stuck with experimental vaccines every other month to keep up with the Chinese lab virus. I will never take the experimental bioweapon!

> "And remember this. This is temporary."

No it's not temporary, the technocratic overlords like Dr. Fauci have already said since last year that things are never going back to "normal". They love COVID, it gives them extraordinary powers. Your last chance for "normal" was if Trump got reelected. Now it's time for "The Great Reset".

> "And oh yeah. tourism has been dead as
> a rock since the pandemic began and
> will remain dead until the virus is
> defeated."

Tourism is how you eat fool and Covid is never going to be defeated, just like the flu has never been defeated. It doesn't need to be defeated anyway because 99%+ of people survive it.

GodSpeed says...

They don't need to stop travel to the Bahamas when everyone entering the US (except illegals of course) has to go on quarantine for 2 weeks. That action in itself will stop travel to the Bahamas. Nobody wants to travel to Atlantis with their whole family only to have to pay for tests when they arrive and go on lockdown with their whole family for two weeks.

GodSpeed says...

Because they believe in the great reset. Do you know what that is? The slogan is "Build, Back, Better". Joe Biden made the slogan of the Great Reset his campaign slogan. The doctrine of the Great Reset states that by 2030 **"You will own nothing"** their words, not mines. So you, and Americans, being broke serfs, goes right along with the program. These people are Globalists, they want World Government. They don't believe in America first or number 1... they labelled Trump a racist for putting America Fist.