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GodSpeed says...

Trade or rather the economy is the higher priority. COVID has a 99%+ survivability rate. If it was truly deadly you wouldn't have to lock people down by force, you'd have to beg them to come outside. Once our economy is completely destroyed you won't be able to protect yourself from COVID anyway. Suicides are already up double digit percentages and many have been financially ruined by the lockdowns. Debt has reached levels where it can never be paid and people are facing complete ruin. Foreign currency reserves are low and could result in a currency crisis combined with the debt. COVID is a joke compared to what will happen if things continue this way. In fact you'll wish to have COVID and check outta here compared to living in hell on earth.

GodSpeed says...

Still yapping on and being anti-Trump? Shows over guy, wake up, Trump is gone, the old guard is back in power. Focus on Biden. Want to see massive theft? Watch the donations to Biden's "non-profits" and watch his family. The Biden Crime family will be selling out America to the highest bidder via influence peddling just like the Clintons did with the Clinton Foundation. Biden is the definition of a corrupt politician, he's been selling out America for years, which you'd know if the news media and social media in the US didn't work overtime to cover it all up by suppressing, banning and censoring anyone that shared information about it. You obviously know nothing about the contents of the Hunter Biden laptop and Burisma because the media probably told you it was "Russian disinfo".

One thing the Trump years have showed me is how powerful the news media is. They can turn anyone into an enemy and have people completely fooled, it's amazing to see.

GodSpeed says...

Biden is just getting started with you fella.

GodSpeed says...

"Independent" lol, sorry to break it to you but we are completely dependent on US Tourism. You'll understand that soon.

GodSpeed says...

Sorry but Biden doesn't even know what planet he is on fella. When Trump tried to stop the virus by closing travel from China before it arrived they called him a racist. Democrats like COVID, they won't be getting rid of it because it allows them to exercise power and control they can't have under normal circumstances. Look at the hypocrisy of requiring quarantine for legal travelers but letting illegals walk freely in. That should tell you all you need to know.

GodSpeed says...

Who cares if it's across the board? What matters is how it affects us.

GodSpeed says...

You think they will exempt you? How delusional.... they won't care if you starve.

GodSpeed says...

All the CNN and MSNBC brainwashed 🐑🐏🐑 are now saying Biden has a right to "protect the people". But wait! When Trump protected his country from illegals everyone said it was racist. When Trump said to shut down travel from China before the virus arrived, everyone said it was racist. When Trump said America First, everyone said it was racist. Now the MSM tells them it's all good 😁

Also Biden won't be protecting anything btw, because as he chokes the Bahamas to death to "protect his people" he will allow tens of thousands of illegals to enter into the US and many of them will have COVID and much worse. Every action Biden takes will erode the freedoms of Americans more, destroy small business and make the people more dependent on government. That's what Democrats want, not getting rid of covid, covid is a dream for them.

But as least you Biden supporting Bahamians will be free of "raycisss" Trump while your country is sent to ruin right? Suckers doesn't matter that the country they actually live in is going to be totally wrecked. That's how strong the brainwashing is on these people.

GodSpeed says...

They won't "turn the tide" on anything. All they'll do is more lockdowns and crush economic opportunity while printing Trillions upon Trillions for their gigantic welfare state until it no longer works.

GodSpeed says...

Yes next is rewarding Communist Cuba to our destruction. Afterwards a look at our financial sector to make sure the Americans with money that try to preserve it from Democrat tax tyranny are given no shelter. The Bahamas is so screwed. All the idiots on here that were cheering for Biden and the Dems deserve everything they're going to get.