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GodSpeed says...

> "What are you talking about? Every
> country has the right to protect their
> people from a deadly disease with
> potential to multiply with every
> border crossing."

LOL except they won't be protecting anything because Democrats believe in **open borders**. As they choke our economy to death for the next four years, hundreds of thousands of COVID infected illegals will enter into the US without pause. This is how idiotic the Democrats are in America. I hope you people are happy now 🙃🙃

GodSpeed says...

lol what a joke. Enjoy starving to death

GodSpeed says...

Finally something this lady wrote that I can agree on.

GodSpeed says...

I don't watch FOX. I don't watch mainstream media, you do.

GodSpeed says...

yeah right....if Trump didn't run in 2016 it would be "President Hillary" right now. Leave conservative thought to conservatives fella, GOP is dead without Trump, he's the only reason they won and the Socialists will make sure they never win again by making millions of illegals citizens and ensuring there is zero election integrity.

GodSpeed says...

LOL. First of all that's not a "government" statistic. The BLM riots of 2020 are the costliest, domestic manmade damage to American property in history. It's in the Billions. Many Black people died in the riots, mostly killed by other Blacks. The BLM and Antifa terrorists shot and murdered Secoriea Turner, an 8 year old Black girl, David Dorn and many others while the media suppressed it all as "mostly peaceful". You know nothing.

GodSpeed says...

Like I said I'm sure that you did not watch Trump's entire speech for yourself, so really you don't know what you're talking about. You're just repeating what the media framed for you to think. As for the "wrong side of history" that's a complete joke. I'm on the side of Liberty, not Marxism.

GodSpeed says...

You a republican? More like a RINO. The republican party is dead without Trump.

GodSpeed says...

Trump didn't start any riot, you didn't listen to his actual speech so you don't know. You only know what the media tells you. Where were you when liberals were burning down America throughout all of 2020? Why are you comparing a war to a riot anyway? Watch how quickly these Democrat criminals startup another war for profit.

GodSpeed says...

Show's over clowns now time to get back to stealing and war. Donald Trump, the first US President in many decades not to start an illegal, murderous War for the profit of a few, thank you for your service.