Comment history

GodSpeed says...

Show's over clowns now time to get back to stealing and war. Donald Trump, the first US President in many decades not to start an illegal, murderous War for the profit of a few, thank you for your service.

GodSpeed says...

This ain't the States okay? Some of these rude kids need to get whooped. But I will look the video up first before casting judgement.

GodSpeed says...

Blame the Marxists in America, the Bahamas is a copycat of whatever happens in the US and over there it is taught in schools that all Whites are privileged and are a part of "White Supremacy". It's called "critical-race theory". It teaches that Blacks like myself are perpetual victims who can't be racist and that Whites are all racist. This anti-white attitude has now spread into the mainstream culture and I often hear people on radio shows over here parroting their talking points.

Many of our fellow Black and White Bahamian people eat it up unfortunately because of the spread through the news media and social media. What it's really about is a method to demoralize a nation and divide the people to eventually bring in Socialist "equality" systems. It turns white against black, man against woman, instead of encouraging ideas like "color blindness" that MLK supported. Expect the craziness to go to 11 now that Trump has been chased out of office by the radical Marxist Democrats that push these ideas.

GodSpeed says...

Paid so much money to insurance over the years and they give you nothing back even when you're the perfect driver. Now people are broke and have nothing to give them.

GodSpeed says...

Of course it's the lockdowns, they destroyed the economy and more suicides to come. But at least you'll be safe from the big, bad Covid right? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

GodSpeed says...

Does the writer know Kamala's reputation as someone who slept with Men to get where she is? She was on all fours for former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown to get ahead in her career! Not the kind of woman that you want as a role model.

GodSpeed says...

Good Luck getting the USA under control with COVID when you have Open Borders under Biden to let anyone with COVID in ๐Ÿ˜‚...they can just walk across the border and spread it freely. Already a caravan of 9,000+ are due to cross the southern border on inauguration day. They've demanded Biden keep his promises of citizenship and free money, that's just his first day. Expect illegal immigration to the US to 100X and that means more COVID coming our way too as the usual suspects take the Bahamian route to get to America.

GodSpeed says...

Don't worry they can just flee to the US with Haitians, Dominicans, Cubans and everyone else. Open borders under Biden, until the US collapses into complete ruin.

GodSpeed says...

You got me Mr. Cogent, I never finished Primary school. I don't even know how to read. But I have to ask, based on my prior comment why would you even need to wonder if I'm a Marxist? How are your reading comprehension skills?

On Georgia win for Warnock

Posted 16 January 2021, 3:34 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

> "So surprise how much you know about
> all of these people.. And what they
> are..."

It's because I'm informed. I don't get my news from the ap, fox, cnn, msnbc, abc etc. which have zero credibility and spout lies and misinformation 24/7... most of them except FOX are literally the propaganda arm of the DNC as revealed by Wikileaks...but FOX is just as bad really.

If you don't believe that those he killed are communists and pedophiles go look it up yourself. Don't use Google though, they censor information. Use something like duckduckgo.

> "More like "young" and "students" and
> "trying to disarm" your "hero"

๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Is that how they framed it in the MSM? Disarming Kyle is not the job of violent commies and pedos (especially when he is already going to the police himself). Just forget the brainwashing and look at the full videos for yourself. You can see Kyle was running away from all of those who got shot while they chased him like zombies from "28 days later". Use logic, If he was on a shooting spree he would have been running after them and shooting everyone. They were running after him and attacking him on the ground when he tripped while heading to the police, he was defending himself. He actually did quite well and composed himself better than most grown men would. Kyle is a real America hero. And yes you're right, killing people is not the job of the police. Keeping order is. If the police did their job and quelled the BLM riots then people like Kyle wouldn't be shooting anyone.