Comment history

GodSpeed says...

I'm seriously chilled dude, trust me. You're probably the one a little tilted because of unfortunate truths.

GodSpeed says...

Why does it have to be "many"? Do you even know what the BLM organization stands for? What they really represent? Of course not, the media didn't educate you about that. If you did know what they stand for then you would know chanting "F Your Jesus" is right in line.


GodSpeed says...

Why? I'm not the one who supports BLM which marches to chants saying "F*ck your Jesus". **You guys** support that, not me.

GodSpeed says...

Rittenhouse is a hero. Carrying a firearm is his right as an American. Also he has zero to do with the KKK or racism, he only shot a bunch of violent radical communists and convicted pedophiles trying to burn down neighborhoods and small businesses because the police couldn't do their jobs and stop them. Kyle is free now, thank God.

GodSpeed says...

Next time you have nothing to say, just say nothing.

GodSpeed says...

If the rioters were Black the Capitol Police would have all gotten down on one knee and let them burn the building down to the ground. Just like BLM and Antifa burned down, looted, pulled down statues and murdered people throughout America for much of 2020 without any police interference because they were ordered to stand down by Democrat Mayors and Governors.

The Mainstream media would have painted the riots in a sad but positive light and call America a racist country that deserved it and now has the opportunity for a new start after this painful exercise. 100% of the people that are now so dismayed by "insurrection" of Trump followers, would have been 100% okay with BLM burning the Capitol to the ground because cnn, msnbc etc. tells them what to think. Washington DC is ran by Black Democrat Mayor Muriel Bowser so if you think something would have happened to Black rioters you must have not been watching them ransack America and Washington DC throughout all of 2020 with the mainstream media covering up for them and spinning their mass violence and criminality as "peaceful".

GodSpeed says...

The time to enact a Sovereign Wealth Fund was 48 years ago when independence was declared shortly after the Nixon shock and the nation had basically zero debt. All that had to be done was to purchase Gold continuously. Even starting in the 90's would have been okay. Now we have a debt to GDP ratio of over 100% and only have dollars backed by USD which the Socialists over there will be feverishly devaluing continuously to support their gigantic welfare state. Good luck with that.

GodSpeed says...

Be sure to let the public know that these are a new type of vaccines never before used on human beings before, and that they don't work like conventional vaccines. Let them know it was rushed. Let them know the vaccine manufactures are indemnified from any negative side effects you may have. Let them know that nobody on Earth knows the long term effects of this vaccine, if any.

On Sands: We must educate public on vaccine

Posted 15 January 2021, 2:11 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Lectures about education but defends Marxism LOL...

On Georgia win for Warnock

Posted 15 January 2021, 1:13 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Enjoy the Biden lockdown administration. They'll keep Americans "safe" while you starve to death.

On Bahamas 'pushes' for U.S. COVID exemption

Posted 15 January 2021, 1:06 p.m. Suggest removal