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GodSpeed says...

Covid is really about taking away all your rights, so far working well.

On EDITORIAL: Building for a future after COVID

Posted 15 January 2021, 10:22 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

A fair point about splitting the vote but the Dems will have Trump impeached after his term ends if they can get enough votes in the Senate. If they succeed then he won't be able to run for President again. That's mostly what all of this hysteria about "insurrection" is about, preventing Trump from ever threatening their hold on power again.

On STATESIDE: America’s had enough

Posted 14 January 2021, 10:27 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

> "The US democratic party, Biden and
> formerly, Obama believe passionately
> in capitalism and the free market."

😂😂😂😂 now that's funny. The radical leftist party supports capitalism and free markets. Barack "You-didn't-build-that" Obama is a capitalist 🤣

Also anyone that support abortion is definitely not a Christian. Go look up a video of a late term abortion and see if you still support it.

On Georgia win for Warnock

Posted 14 January 2021, 6:58 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

> "America has had enough"

Yes the media has been in a frenzy over the "insurrection" so now "America has had enough", but I guess that's ignoring the other half of America isn't it? Trump's 74+ Million supporters are Americans too, not just the liberal media and their brainwashed watchers. Keep pushing them and let's see how that turns out.

On STATESIDE: America’s had enough

Posted 14 January 2021, 6:34 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Abortion is murder, have you ever seen videos of late term abortion? They're killing babies, the baby is clearly visible, alive, formed, responsive and moving. Don't just listen to media talking heads opine about it as righteous for women, go watch it for yourself. Anyone that can watch a video of a late term abortion and still support it is nothing short of a demon... especially a supposed man of God. Nobody in their right mind would support that if they saw the execution, it has nothing to do with "interfering in woman's productive decision" and everything to do with protecting an innocent human being. If you live in a society where it's acceptable to chop babies up then don't be surprised when it turns that demonic energy on you.

On Georgia win for Warnock

Posted 14 January 2021, 6:26 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Who wrote this drivel? If you listened to Trump's entire speech yourself you'd know there was nothing "insurrectionist" about it. Of course you didn't listen to his speech, just the media spin about his speech. Maybe you should write another epistle about how BLM and Antifa burned down America for a full year and the same people who are screeching about "insurrection" now were encouraging it and suppressing the violence around it. I'm seeing a lot of Marxist nonsense in this piece as well, looks like the Bahamas might be quite infected with half baked intellectuals just like the US.

GodSpeed says...

> "There is nothing wrong with migration
> or migrant workers. There is nothing
> wrong with domestic work. The issue is
> the way we value certain kinds of work
> and the people doing it."

It matters a lot who is doing the work. You understand there is a problem but fail to grasp the solution. Migrant workers are the problem, remove them from the country and the problem fixes itself. As long as these people with their legally questionable status are allowed to operate here the situation will remain the same because of basic mechanics of competition in a free market.

Further breakdown: When you have outsiders in your country that will accept slave wages and slave treatment how do you expect Bahamians with standards to compete with them or have pride in their profession in a free market? In order to return respect to the profession you need to protect Bahamian workers that will not accept being treated the same way a "migrant" would. When there are no "migrants" that are prepared to be the equivalent of a slave then employers will have to pay Bahamians a fair wage and treat them fairly or not be able to hire a helper at all, respect restored and more decent work for OUR people. Whoever gives the best balance of service (respectful to employers + affordable) out of the Bahamian businesses that flourish out of this sector will be rewarded the most, instead of "migrants" who will send all their money out of the country to where ever they came from.

For example let's take a respected career, say an Engineer... let's bring many "expat" Engineers from impoverished countries who are willing to work for way less and except way worse treatment than a Bahamian Engineer, let's flood the country with them. Do you think Engineering will still be a highly paid respected field in the Bahamas once you do that? Of course not, you'll be able to hire an Engineer for next to nothing and they won't be anything special to anybody. This is how a job market works. Read about H1B visas in the US and how it has wreaked havoc on American professionals by bringing in Indians eg. to do work. It's the same thing.

GodSpeed says...

So you expected them to stay put and not attempt different ways to protect their wealth? That's interesting. You socialists never get it, the wealthy always leave and take their wealth with them. Eventually they'll give up their citizenship too because they can buy it somewhere else and still do business in the US.

GodSpeed says...

uh no, they're fleeing Biden. These are people with money and now that America is turning into a Socialist dump it's better to leave if you have the wealth. Residing outside of the US also opens up tax loop holes and certain exemptions. Fleeing "COVID" by coming to the Bahamas makes zero sense and as you can read these wealthy Americans wanting to escape the US rose in number drastically after the US election.

On Developer: Residency ease for 'American first'

Posted 13 January 2021, 10:31 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Warnock is a Demon. Unfortunately Black Americans, and Blacks in general, are too caught up in the specter of racism (constantly stoked by leftist mainstream media like CNN and MSNBC) to realize a demon when they see one. Once the demon is black then there is a false sense of security. Yes, any pastor that teaches murdering babies and marrying homosexuals is okay, is definitely a charlatan. When eugenicist and racist Margaret Sanger established Planned Parenthood to decrease the Black population she specifically searched for stooges in the Black Church, Pastors to push her agenda of abortion among the black community. This Marxist demon "Warnock" is the modern equivalent of those stooges but for the Socialist Democrat agenda. Abortion is the number one killer of American Blacks, so any of these radical leftists who claim to care about "black lives" but support abortion lets you know it's the party they truly care about, not their race. It should tell you all you need to know about their phoney movement and leftists in general.

On Georgia win for Warnock

Posted 13 January 2021, 10:13 p.m. Suggest removal