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GodSpeed says...

John Sullivan BLM leader dressing up as a Trump Supporter:

On Trump defeat

Posted 13 January 2021, 6:20 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

He's the only left wing activist we know about since he is a prominent figure. But there was a call to action for Antifa and BLM to infiltrate the Trump supporter protest.

On Trump defeat

Posted 13 January 2021, 5:54 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Yes, yes, everything the MSM doesn't like is a "conspiracy theory"... even though if you took 5 seconds to look it up for yourself you'd the evidence yourself. When will you get that the MSM has 0 credibility? I already mentioned the name of the BLM leader, just go look it up.

On Trump defeat

Posted 13 January 2021, 5:52 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Yes I know, Orange Man Bad 🙄

On Trump defeat

Posted 13 January 2021, 4:19 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

you really should lay off the CNN and MSNBC because your TDS seems severe.

On Trump defeat

Posted 13 January 2021, 2:30 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

John Sullivan, an anti-Trump leader in BLM is on camera at the head of the group that stormed the Capitol. He recorded himself while encouraging Trump supporters to "Burn the building down". Other BLM and Antifa members were identified as well. Of course the media aware that one of their allies was identified, interviewed Mr. Sullivan on CNN. There he claimed he was "documenting", they failed to ask him about the statements made on video egging on Trump supporters to commit arson however. Now why would violent BLM and Antifa rioters who burned America down throughout all of 2020 go and mingle with these "violent racist" Trump Supporters? It is called being an "agent provocateur".

On Trump defeat

Posted 12 January 2021, 7:22 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Trump supporters are Patriots who love their country, similar to the Minutemen that fought the British to establish America as a country. That's why they carry US flags, support the right to bear arms and chant "U-S-A". BLM and Antifa are anti-American "useful idiots" who chant "F your Jesus", "Death to America" and "no border, no wall, no USA at all"... as they beat, loot and murder the people they say they want to protect.

GodSpeed says...

Well I can't help but agree with you there. I don't watch any of them, I cancelled my Cable TV long ago. In my view they have zero credibility, this includes the AP which most people think is "unbiased". 90% of the the US media, everything you see, read, and hear coming out of that country including entertainment, is owned by just 6 corporations. With this it is easy to not give news, but propaganda serving the agendas of a few. One thing Trump did that all of his supporters will never forget, is expose the collusion of the news media and social media to suppress information. In order to stop Trump the leviathan exposed itself completely and anyone not caught in their web of lies witnessed it in awe.

GodSpeed says...

Trump fought single handedly against the demonic globalist scourge overtaking America, that is admirable, however this isn't about Trump really, he's just the vessel. You say you don't get the love, what I don't get is all the hate. I didn't hate Obama, even though I disagreed with everything he stood for. I don't hate Biden either. "Trump Derangement Syndrome" is a real thing and I think the onset is jealously. I'm not a jealous person so it disturbs me greatly.

GodSpeed says...

I think you're comparing apples and oranges. A gun is just a tool, it's as good or as bad as the man using it. An evil or mentally sick man doesn't need a gun to slaughter masses of innocent people, although the mainstream media wants you to feel that way. Take the Nice France truck attack in 2016, 86 people dead and 458 others injured. You won't find a mass shooting in US history even close to those numbers. Should we now be able to sue the maker of the truck because someone used it for evil?.... A rushed and botched vaccine enabled because of a moral hazard is entirely a different case however. Especially when most people are not even properly informed of risk factors.