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GodSpeed says...

But Covid doesn't always kill does it? Last time I checked it had a survivability rate for everyone at 90%+...most of us 99%+ fact there's even a 102 year old woman who got Covid twice and survived. I thank you for you service however, once 70% or so of you get stuck then herd immunity will kick in anyway. But mutates, so you'll have to get stuck with not just one experimental vaccine but many 🤔 that's like compounding the risk of something going wrong.

GodSpeed says...

The news you trust supports foolishness because it's their side though, you should keep that in mind.

GodSpeed says...

If she didn't want anything to do with him she would have left him, no gun is to her head. And even if she leaves, what of it, he can get another supermodel wife with the snap of his fingers.

GodSpeed says...

Very familiar with pump and dumps, prefer the sexual variety though 😉

On Pump and dump

Posted 9 January 2021, 1:38 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Who cares about Twitter? Twitter and Facebook are for brainwashed 🐑🐏Trump goes back to the Billionaire lavish lifestyle with his supermodel wife, beautiful family, hundreds of businesses and billions of dollars. That's all that matters in this life. You on the other hand will be stuck in Biden's world, a Socialist dump 🤭

GodSpeed says...

How did BLM and Antifa look rioting, looting, murdering and burning the country down for a whole year? While Dems encouraged it by saying to defund police and their leftist activists masquerading as reporters in the MSM suppress it all as "fiery but peaceful". Do you know how many black people were killed during the 2020 "Black Lives Matter" riots? Did MSNBC tell you about that? Do you know BLM shot and killed an 8 year old black child after her family crossed their barriers they set up in the roads? Do you know they murdered multiple black police officers? Do you know Antifa and BLM shot into the vehicles of people who passed them on the street? Set buildings on fire with police inside them? Assaulted black female mothers in the streets as well as their kids because they support Trump? Chased people down in trucks like it's Mad Max to take them out of cars and beat them in the streets? Not to mention causing billions in damage and destroying Black businesses and living spaces? Known BLM and Antifa activist leaders like John Sullivan were in the mob that stormed the Captiol with Trump supporters too, dressed up like they were Trump supporters, gee I wonder why? Why would a bunch of known violent BLM and Antifa rioters infiltrate a Donald Trump event where all the supposed racists are? Then end up at the front of the mob inside the Capitol building 🤔

On Realtor fears for Bahamas over Democrat wins

Posted 9 January 2021, 12:46 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Of course you could only be talking about the Nordic countries. Just one problem, the Nordic countries are not Socialist, they'll tell you so themselves, and whoever mislead you to thinking they are is a liar, probably CNN.

On Realtor fears for Bahamas over Democrat wins

Posted 9 January 2021, 12:28 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Taking experimental, never before used mRNA vaccines of which NOBODY knows the long terms effects is considered sane now? Ok if you say so Guinea pig 🐹 just don't sue if you get Bell's palsy ...or worse. Oh wait, you can't sue, they're indemnified 😆

GodSpeed says...

Useless industry that only serves to take money from the poorest people and give it to the number boys with no valuable benefit to society or actual products created except imaginary numbers.

On Gambler winnings tax pushed to January 16

Posted 9 January 2021, 10:13 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

> the way things are going we'll be
> lucky if we aren't building our own
> boats to get out of here

Sorry to break this to you but there won't be anywhere to run. America will be completely unrecognizable from the great country it was by the time the radical Socialists are finished with it.

On Realtor fears for Bahamas over Democrat wins

Posted 9 January 2021, 10:05 a.m. Suggest removal