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GodSpeed says...

No it's the one where the Dem Party ..uh I mean the Pigs, lead the Farm animals with beautiful promises of equality, social justice and free stuff from the Farm, telling them the Orange Farmer is bad and the cause of all their problems. Then BLM and Antifa farm animals burn, loot and pillage the farm for a full year until the Pigs take all power. Read it again and you'll know what happens next.

GodSpeed says...

Nah you definitely believed the phony Russian hoax lol. Of course you did, you're an MSM sheep. As for the bomber there was nothing linking him to any kind of political affiliation, nice try though!

GodSpeed says...

"we cant take back the country with weakness we have to fight"

😑 how disingenuous....I guess when you hear lawyers talk about "fighting for justice", you must think they mean doing karate.

GodSpeed says...

Trump didn't tell anyone to storm the capitol, "marching on Washington" is completely fine it's a free country, well it was anyway. BLM and Antifa burned America to the ground for months, murdered people, beat people in the streets, looted businesses, set buildings on fire with people inside them... you jokers weren't complaining then. And the leftists in the US government egged it on.

On Realtor fears for Bahamas over Democrat wins

Posted 8 January 2021, 10:02 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Lizards? that's funny 😁 I bet you believed in the completely madeup Russia Collusion hoax that your fake news talking heads peddled for the last 4 years though didn't you 🤔

GodSpeed says...

lol you're a fool if you believe that. They attack the sector because they're a bunch of socialists who need all the tax dollars they can get.

GodSpeed says...

I won't be taking it 🖕 🖕

GodSpeed says...

lol if you fools wants socialism why don't you just move to Cuba, or Venezuela or any of the other socialist shit holes where they eat out of the trash? You think wealthy people will just sit back and get taxed to death? They'll leave you here and carry their wealth with them. Didn't they make you read Animal Farm in school you fool?

GodSpeed says...

Establishing a foot print for realty in a Communist country? Risky move.

GodSpeed says...

Trump didn't do any damage, stop watching so much left wing news you sheep. Biden will be terrible for the Bahamas as all Democrat Presidents are, guess your fake news didn't tell you about that.