Comment history

GodSpeed says...

that person can not form an argument, only make stupid one liners.

On EDITORIAL: A shameful day for the US

Posted 8 January 2021, 11:38 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

lol you're the dumb one, what exactly do you think will be better for the Bahamas under Biden and the open borders American Socialists? More Haitians, Cubans, Dominicans etc. coming here to get to the US? US Democrat presidencies are notoriously hazardous for the Bahamian economy and the timing could not be worse. Guess MSNBC didn't tell you about that.

On EDITORIAL: A shameful day for the US

Posted 8 January 2021, 11:01 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

**Nobody** is claiming that there was no fraud, it's all documented. What they claim in defense is that the fraud was not "massive" or "widespread" fool. But of course they didn't investigate or audit the ballots to know the extent of fraud and just forced Biden in. Counting "all the votes" the legal **and illegal** ones. That's a joke of an election.

On EDITORIAL: A shameful day for the US

Posted 8 January 2021, 10:09 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

This is what happens when you don't ensure election integrity. America could have the most secure elections on the planet but the Dems don't like that way. No thumbs dipped in ink, no voter ID (that's racist apparently), mail in ballots that any one can find... fill out and drop in the mail box to be counted without even as much as signature verification. Dead people voting, underage people voting, people voting more than once, ballot counters on camera counting votes multiple times after getting rid of poll watchers. Now 75+ million Americans don't even trust the vote. US elections are a joke and they need reform, even Bahamian elections have more integrity.

On EDITORIAL: A shameful day for the US

Posted 7 January 2021, 10:22 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

lol I'm sure America is just so very eagerly and impatiently waiting on the Bahamas to condemn, how will they ever move forward until we do

GodSpeed says...

> I am optimistic because I surmise
> that human beings will inevitably move
> to freedom and prosperity, no matter
> how long it takes. The end of
> Feudalism, slavery and tyrannical
> government supports that hypothesis.

Most of human history has been slavery, and now debt slavery. Western civilization is responsible for the end of slavery as a global practice, in Africa blacks are still bought, sold and kept as slaves even today. Now that western civilization is collapsing you can be sure that the future is serfdom. The World Economic Forum has already announced "The Great Reset" and their motto "Build back better" which is also Joe Biden's campaign slogan. The Chinese Communists are on board, the upcoming Socialist USA under Biden is on board. "The Great Reset" can only be described as modern day Serfdom. A world in which you will "own nothing", their words, not mines.

On 2021 hope

Posted 7 January 2021, 6:56 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

What about the big bad scary Covid that the whole economy was destroyed over? Now it doesn't matter? Never should have locked the schools down from the start.

On Some parents welcome return to classrooms

Posted 7 January 2021, 6:39 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

As if they were ever in danger lol...what a bunch of clowns.

GodSpeed says...

"There is no such group called antifa so how can anyone be identified as a member of a non existent group."

lol a talking point straight from the leftist media haha. Parrot. I guess all those black clad people that organized and burned American cities down in 2020 didn't actually exist because they didn't register as a group, lol what an idiot.

GodSpeed says...

.....What did I say that was racist again? You don't even know what BLM and Antifa stand for and represent, you know nothing, just another brainwashed prole.