Comment history

GodSpeed says...

wherever you get your news it might as well be MSNBC, 90% of the news media in the US is controlled by 6 corporations you imbecile, they all follow the same script.

GodSpeed says...

what do you know about "reasoning"? you can't even form an argument.

GodSpeed says...

yeah right, BLM and Antifa have been rioting all year unpunished you goof.

GodSpeed says...

lol you šŸ‘šŸšŸ‘ don't know anything. Just go back to MSNBC.

GodSpeed says...

BLM and Antifa can storm state capitols all year, light government buildings on fire with people in them, beat up cops, loot and riot, murder and beat up people etc and the police stand down. Yet when Trump supporters stand up once for election integrity they get shot. A number of those that stormed were identified as Antifa agent provocateurs as well. Civil War 2.0 coming to America soon.

GodSpeed says...

Dummies in government who don't even know how to check an email address and send a read receipt.

On Wrong e-mail caused blacklisting by France

Posted 6 January 2021, 10:14 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Currency crisis and collapse coming.

GodSpeed says...

> So you now want to raise my
> contributions because you gave the
> money to people who did not
> contribute? WTF is this?

It's called Socialism fella, and it's taking over the planet.

GodSpeed says...

All the power is in the hands of the hotels now. People are broke and desperate for money, they'll accept much less than they would have before, so the hotels can take this opportunity to bring the unions to heel. The hotels have been closed forever with the lockdowns so it's not like they have much to lose anyway.

On Union: Atlantis 'threw deal out the window'

Posted 5 January 2021, 4:15 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Illegal Haitians bringing some nice covid19 and God knows what else with them. They're eager to get in the US, have Joe Biden make them citizens and give them free money. Once the Democrats take office in the US the Bahamas is going to get flooded with these people.