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GodSpeed says...

Oh No! 😱😱 Sooooooo scary! Better Lockdown the entire country and all business again! Keep us safe from the big bad flu virus please, even if it means starving to death, poverty and skyrocketing suicide rates! I'm also ready to get sticked with the experimental bioweapon too! **Sooooo scarryyyyyyy!** 😱

GodSpeed says...

> "Bring On The Vaccines As It’s Our
> Only Realistic Route Back To A Life Of
> Normalcy"

lol that's exactly what they want you to think you dumb πŸ‘πŸπŸ‘ if you want to take the bioweapon go right ahead but don't force it on the rest of us. My body, my choice!

GodSpeed says...

Yeah right... wouldn't count on that. Who exactly do you think will be fighting for the corrupt senile husk Biden, Kamel Toe and the criminal Democrats? The US military? You think that ghoul has any real populist support besides the lying media establishment? Have you ever seen a Trump rally vs a Biden rally? lol maybe the BLM and Antifa rejects and rioters will help? Maybe the media talking heads at MSNBC and CNN like Don Lemon will go out there and fight for Biden? The US military is filled with Trump supporters, many of them used to fly Trump flags on US military vehicles and convoys until it was condemned, even the elite US Navy SEALs. But if you listen to the MSM you'll think the military hates Trump, maybe some of the corrupt Generals, but that's it. Reality is the majority of military veterans and the largest militias like the Oath Keepers and III Percenters are all pro-Trump and preparing for a conflict. You don't have a clue.

On STATESIDE: Time for Biden to call out Trump?

Posted 1 January 2021, 11:11 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

> Amazing. 70 million Americans dumb enough to believe a pathological liar when he says the election was stolen...

Well that's what happens when you have election rules so loose that even dead people end up casting votes. Then refuse to have ballot audits or even check signatures. People lose faith in the process. The real question is why are the requirements to vote in the US even looser than in the Bahamas where we must have a voter's card, confirm citizenship and have our thumb dipped in ink. In some US swing states an illegal alien can find a mail-in ballot, fill it out, throw it in the mail box and it's counted as a vote and of course they'll be voting for Biden who promises to make them legal and give them free money. The virus was used as an excuse to send out more mail-in ballots than ever before. Some states ruled that the signatures don't even have to match, their elections are a complete joke and it's completely understandable for conservatives to have no faith in the results. Especially with all the statistical anomalies in the 2020 election.

On STATESIDE: Time for Biden to call out Trump?

Posted 1 January 2021, 10:36 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

What is this drivel? If you think this is business as usual in the U.S., you're a fool that watches way too much mainstream media. You think if Trump leaves office "MAGA" is going away? Something like 80% of Trump's 75 million voters believe this election was stolen, faith in the election process is permanently damaged. The divide is greater than it ever has been. Trump voters aren't going to support Biden as President or Kamala, **ever**. So how is the country supposed to come together? Do not be surprised if a Civil War breaks out in the US in the near future.

On STATESIDE: Time for Biden to call out Trump?

Posted 31 December 2020, 8:57 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Never had a CIAbook account and never will, do you think I'm a πŸ‘πŸπŸ‘ like you? Facebook users are dumbf_cks, Mark Zuckerberg said so himself, look it up.

GodSpeed says...

This is terrible but I don't understand what kind of "legislation" the WUNB is arguing for. This is murder and the murderer will be dealt with accordingly, this isn't some Muslim country where a man can kill his wife and walk free. So what more exactly do you want from the legal end of things?

GodSpeed says...

It's all going according to plan... Use the jokey virus along with the fake news media to scare the hell out of their brainwashed audience. Fear monger until the people willingly give up every single freedom they have for security promised by unelected technocrats. Destroy the economies of all sovereign nations through WHO advised economic lockdowns based on the totalitarian Chinese Communist model. The middle class and small entrepreneurs then become poor and malleable. This phase is almost complete. Next, sovereign debt crises the world over, economic and currency collapse. Then finally the solution offered by those who created the whole problem: One World Government, One World Currency... complete control over human beings in the hands of a few unelected elite.... The Beast System, "The Great Reset" "Build Back Better". The World Economic Forum is bragging openly about it and has already announced that by 2030 "you will own nothing and you will be happy". Which begs the question, who then will own everything, if we all own nothing? Translation? Serfdom.

GodSpeed says...

Yep and so are the Central and South Americans. Biden and the Socialists in the US government have already promised to make millions of illegals citizens and give them free money. America as we have known it to be a great country, will be unrecognizable in 10 - 20 years, it will be just another shithole.

On 45 Haitian migrants held in Long Island

Posted 30 December 2020, 9:28 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

What a mess