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GodSpeed says...

Taiwan, a great free country, is what China would be if it weren't ran by Communist kleptocrats. Too bad. Taiwan is the real China where the culture lives on, in the mainland under the Communists they got rid of much of the culture and history, just like the Democrats are trying to do in the US today. Remember all the cool Kung Fu movies from the 70's, 80's and early 90's? They were all from Hong Kong and Taiwan, where there is freedom. The mainland is a tyrannical nightmare.

On ‘U.S. playing dirty with spy claims’

Posted 17 December 2020, 2:30 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Trust me, I know way more about US history and WW2 than you, I can guarantee you that, so don't condescend to me. How much do you know about the Chinese Communist Party? Absolutely nothing of course. Go read about their crimes, I made a long post below.

GodSpeed says...

Tax the gamblers to death. Wasn't supposed to be legalized in the first place. Also tax alcohol, cigarettes and any other vice.

GodSpeed says...

Better to get rid of them now before it gets worse and we end up their slaves like their own citizens.

On ‘U.S. playing dirty with spy claims’

Posted 17 December 2020, 1:22 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

If you think the USA is a bigger threat than Chinese Communists intent on replacing them, then you know nothing about the Chinese Communist Party.

GodSpeed says...

Luckily we right next to the US, that's the only thing savings us from a Communist boot up the fanny. But if Biden and the Socialist Democrats control the US forget it, they'll hand us over to China on a silver platter. They bow to China, unlike Trump.

GodSpeed says...

😂The USA's crimes are a joke compared to the Communist Chinese Party. In their short 70 years of rule they've killed more people than America in it's entire 244 year history! Mostly their own! So what do you think they'll do to you once they're in charge? They murder by the millions. Every year China executes more of their people than every other country on the planet combined. They have a Prison camp system called "Laogai", similar to the Gulags of the old USSR, nobody knows how many they killed in these prison camps, estimates are 40 - 50 million. They've been carrying out genocide on Uyghurs, over a million are in prison camps right now making tons of the "Made in China" crap that floods our planet. They carry out extrajudicial executions of Tibetans on the regular for decades. Ever heard of Faulon Gong, the religion the CCP banned in China? The Chinese government has murdered thousands of their followers and some of them they'll harvest their organs for sale, not even kidding, look it up. Not to mention all the murder and crimes they carried out during their "Great Leap Forward" 45 Million dead in 4 years or so. America doesn't even come close buddy. But wait, there's more....look up "Chinese Communist Flesh Banquets" if you feel like being sick. This is all just the stuff we know about, they've hidden so many more crimes. Who knows how many they killed to quell the pandemic, you can't trust their numbers afterall and their citizens have no rights. They can just grab them off the streets or out of their homes never to be seen again as we've seen in video recordings during the pandemic from over there.

So yeah I advise you to "wake up" and quit talking fool.

GodSpeed says...

When Trump was saying to shut down travel from China it was early! The only reason Trump didn't act early is because he was listening to the WHO, which was more concerned about "racism" than stopping a pandemic. The fake news media and democrats were saying he's racist against Asians and Pelosi and co. went to dance in the streets in China Town. The WHO lied and covered up for China, which is the real criminal enterprise. That's why Trump cut off funding to the WHO, they're useless. Trump was the only one trying to make the right choice and got attacked for it. Completely ridiculous.

On EDITORIAL: Let’s be serious, Dr Sands

Posted 16 December 2020, 12:14 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

lol do you understand what a moral hazard is? You think that vaccine companies being indemnified is a good thing? 🤣...Jesus....wake upppppp! You believe in authority that much that you will put your body on the line for these sickos who only want to make a profit off you useless eaters? It's like the destiny of mankind is to be enslaved, my God. Bill Gates and the people like him wants you dead, they say so themselves, don't you don't get that? They believe in depopulation, this is documented, look it up! Why would anyone who believes in decreasing the human population want to help you live longer? You think these fake news media companies in the US are your friends and have any credibility whatsoever?? The same news companies that pushed WMDs in Iraq? THINK. They're LYING to you.

On EDITORIAL: Let’s be serious, Dr Sands

Posted 16 December 2020, 12:08 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

I have no idea why you would try so hard to fight for these people who only care about making money, they don't give a damn about you. If you trust them with your precious body that your parents gave you that much then go ahead and get sticked. Just know that NOBODY knows the long term effects of these vaccines.