Comment history

GodSpeed says...

Kick the Chinese Embassy out of our country! They're Communist authoritarian kleptocrats that will put the boot on our neck the second they have the chance and their embassy serves no purpose other than to spy on Americans and Bahamians! Look at how they treat their own people, idiots! Don't involve us with them!

GodSpeed says...

If the vaccines are so safe why were the companies that produced them indemnified? You know what that's called? A moral hazard. Of course I have no problem if you feel like being a Guinea Pig, just don't force me to join you. You trust those "bright minds" all you want, maybe look up the Tuskegee Experiments aka "Tuskegee Syphilis Study" and see what blindly trusting authority gets you. Bill Gates, the unelected overlord of vaccines, comes from a family of eugenicists who believe in depopulation and abortion, especially targeting blacks. You people know **nothing** really.

The World Health Organization is a joke, they're in the pocket of China and Bill Gates. They had one job, to stop the spread of pandemics like this. But when the virus was going wild in China and Trump said to shut off travel, the WHO said that was "racist". That's who you listen to?

On EDITORIAL: Let’s be serious, Dr Sands

Posted 15 December 2020, 6:31 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

I'm only slightly exaggerating for effect. But read for yourself:………

I'm sure this is just the beginning of the freakshow, as it hasn't been properly tested, this is human experimentation and nobody has a clue on the long term effects of these vaccines.

GodSpeed says...

Not taking the experimental bioweapon that has HIV in it and gives people Bell's Palsy among other things. Let the MSNBC watchers take it.

GodSpeed says...

just let the idiots take it 😂 they completely trust government like good 🐑🐏🐑 ... they don't understand or know that people like Bill Gates who push these vaccines wants them dead. gotta get that population down.

GodSpeed says...

NEVER taking the Bill Gates bio-weapon

GodSpeed says...

I hope you're front of the line to take the vaccine, we need to get rid of the stupid people. If you knew anything about Bill Gates' history and pedigree then you'd probably get it a bit.

GodSpeed says...

It's not Covid, it's the Lockdowns. People are so terrified by American Fake News media hysteria over a Virus that even 102 year olds recover from (TWICE), with a 99%+ survivability rate, that they're willing to lockdown their economies, lose their jobs, give up all their rights, take experimental vaccines and soon starve to death and commit suicide. 🤣 Shows how powerful the media is and how dumb the 🐑🐏🐑 are.

On KFC franchise faces 'total survival mode'

Posted 14 December 2020, 12:51 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

> Kfc Franchise Faces 'Total Survival
> Mode'

With as many 10 Piece Family Meals I've been buying?

On KFC franchise faces 'total survival mode'

Posted 14 December 2020, 12:51 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

I'm sure he will be fine.

On KFC franchise faces 'total survival mode'

Posted 14 December 2020, 12:50 p.m. Suggest removal