Comment history

GodSpeed says...

🙄 see, this is your level of discourse. Momma always said never wrestle with a Pig. You both get dirty and the Pig likes it. It's like primary school all over again with you.

GodSpeed says...

You. Have no argument.
Have a great day... 🐑🐏🐑

GodSpeed says...

1. **First of all The United States of America isn't a Democracy**, that's the first issue here. The US is a **Constitutional Republic**. The Founding Fathers of America were very smart Men, they knew that "Democracy" is nothing but tyranny of the majority. Import enough foreigners like the Democrats are attempting to do with open borders, let them vote in "Democracy" and you no longer have a country with any kind of identity. What you're really talking about here is giving up freedom for security.

2. The Founding Fathers of the United States understood something lost on this writer.
A famous quote by Benjamin Franklin reads:
***"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.."***
The 79 year old man that shook his head and walked out of the meeting does not understand, neither does the writer understand, that the constitution is actually the ONLY thing keeping you safe. It protects you from a much bigger threat than COVID 19, it protects you from **tyranny**. People who seek to take away your freedoms will use fear to have you willingly give up your freedom for security until the chains of tyranny and slavery are fully around your neck.

In your rush of fear of the virus, pushed by media hysteria and mostly leftist politicians, you're ready to give up your right to free speech and expression, for anyone that speaks out against the lockdowns must be silenced and this is already happening around the world and on social media. You're ready to give up your right of religion as the government tells you when and if you can hold church services. You're ready to give up your right to privacy as they contact trace you, your right to association, your right to engage in commerce, your right to travel and more. You're even willing to give up the rights to your own body as they attempt to force inoculate you and your loved ones with unproven, new and experimental vaccines which nobody knows the long-term effects of. You will give it all up, all of your rights, because of a virus that has a 99+% survival rate. So who exactly are the "downright morons" here? Certainly not Trump and Conservative America. The reality is these people you consider morons are the only thing stopping an authoritarian boot from stamping your face into the ground forever. We've seen it slowly creeping since 9/11. Every time there is a disaster the government demands we give up more of our freedoms. But the fact remains the rules are for YOU, you're the one that will have to give up your rights, your rulers won't. We already see their hypocrisy, rules for thee, not for me. So what we are talking about is whether America, and the western world really will choose to remain a place that puts Freedom above all else or will it devolve into something more like authoritarian Communist China, where you have no rights. it's your choice, just know that you're not a part of the privileged class........ or maybe you are?

GodSpeed says...

lol I would ask the African slaves like you suggest but they're all long dead. Some of the descendants of those slaves are multibillionaires so It seems to be going fine if you apply yourself, same for all the other groups.

GodSpeed says...

Yeah no..... Were you watching on election night? I was. Trump had a huge lead in all the states needed to win. Then suddenly they all said they would "stop counting and count in the morning". When we woke up Biden had huge ballot has revealed in Georgia that when counters sent watchers and the media home because they would stop counting until morning because of a "burst pipe" (which was a lie)...the video shows as soon as they got the watchers out of there, they pulled out
multiple containers of stashed ballots and went to work as people slept to pull off their fraud...running the ballots through counting machines multiple times. It's all on tape, so this is a complete joke really, and Conservatives all know it. When people can't have faith in elections anymore you don't have a country.

On Zimbabwe corruption

Posted 10 December 2020, 10:23 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

> Haven't absentee and mail in ballots
> been used for years?

Never before on this scale thanks to the Chinese virus. Also states like Pennsylvania ruled that mail-in ballots could be accepted with no signatures... I mean that's a joke, even our elections in the Bahamas have more integrity. Anyone can send in a ballot like that, and that's exactly what happened. Many people went to vote and were told they already voted by mail-in ballot. Just one avenue of fraud. Then you have states with more votes than voters lol like I said it's a joke.

On Zimbabwe corruption

Posted 10 December 2020, 10:14 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Legal votes vs illegal votes. Learn the difference. Conservatives are trying to fix the fraud they already said would happen months ago when the Democrats shipped out millions of mail-in ballots to every man, woman, child, illegal immigrant, dead person, cat and dog. They're the ones trying to maintain election integrity and the Democrats are already caught engaging in fraud from A to Z.

Again you babble mainstream media lies, wake up you 🐑

On Zimbabwe corruption

Posted 10 December 2020, 5:01 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

> I wonder how other countries feel
> about us visiting them. Say the US,
> Canada, England, the EU, etc... And
> then lets say one of us might get
> 'wrongly accused' and treated the way
> this man did.

He was here illegally obviously, maybe he overstayed, maybe it was human trafficking. We don't know because they choose to ignore that part of the story and keep it vague... his origins in this country, and instead make a sob story. But what is he doing here? Is he a tourist? I highly doubt it, any tourist would have went home long ago. When I travel to foreign countries as a Bahamian citizen, I travel legally. i spend dollars as a tourist into their economy, stay in a hotel. I don't go there to bum it up, be a burden on their society and try to live there illegally. I obey the law. He's lucky this is the Bahamas, other countries would throw him in a labor camp and make him pay for wasting their time and resources. Anyone, including Bahamians, that illegally tries to establish themselves in a country should be shipped out back to their country of origin asap, not given hundreds of thousands of dollars. Ridiculous.

GodSpeed says...

What is this dude even doing in the Bahamas? I guess since he hasn't seen his 22 year old daughter since she was born and he was a broke bum, that he sure as hell wasn't sending her any financial support? A deadbeat dad that skipped out no doubt. The scumbag lawyer told him that he could get him a lottery ticket. Now we're doling out money to illegals like we're rich? This isn't the US, the Bahamas doesn't have an endless money printing machine, we have to borrow. The money paid to him has to passed on as debt to future generations of Bahamian children. Now that he's got his free paycheck off of Bahamian idiots for nothing but a walk in the park compared to life in Kenya, ship him back. These people are a plague and need to stay in their own shitholes instead of invading our country. We have enough Bahamian bush mechanics on this island to have a carshop on every corner, we don't need Kenyan ones. I wonder how our Bahamian mechanics will feel to know an illegal Kenyan bush mechanic got $641K from the government while they gotta work like 30 years to see that. What a joke.

GodSpeed says...

Not sure where I endorsed Republicans? Establishment RINOs like the Bush Crime Family, Romney etc. are currently hampered by the populist president Donald Trump in office so they're not really the threat right now. Democrats on the other hand are the biggest threat to freedom in the western world. If they manage to change America into a Marxist nation there won't be anywhere on this earth left to run.

On Zimbabwe corruption

Posted 10 December 2020, 8:12 a.m. Suggest removal