Comment history

GrassRoot says...

Not a friend of B. Roberts - but this time he was right: Democracy can be messy at times, and most of the times it is for the Good of a Country.

GrassRoot says...

The Only Politician on the Horizon that can take on a leadership role after The Christie Empire went down in Flames is LBT. Lets face it, like her or not. She is loud, opinionated, powerful, a Woman, and I'd say the least tainted by the rampant corruption in our land. So not the worst choice. As to Minnis - he found his Brutus, clearly he overdid it a long time ago as Cesar. This is for the best of the Bahamas.

GrassRoot says...

How about the "Glorious Seven"?

On Rebel FNMs refuse to quit

Posted 9 December 2016, 11:49 a.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...

Martin Luther Minnis Gandhi - our new leader. The masses are kneeling down and bow their heads.

On Minnis: March has made me a changed leader

Posted 30 November 2016, 5:16 p.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...

I heard the FNM ran out of backbones for Minnis. He needed at least one new one per day. This FNM will not win. Not with this team. Good luck and good night Bahamas.

GrassRoot says...

Statements like the one of the Governor are a reflection of a thoroughly corrupted system. I am not saying the Governor is corrupt, but it shows that the dark side has so much influence by simple means of cash at hand to erode the government, the whole of the public servant body and attack legitimate businesses. The anything goes and catch-me-if -you-can mentality of influential groups in the Bahamas will throw this lovely country further back. Open eyed. We just had our Atlantis with the Baha Mar, what else does the Bahamian People need to see that this country is right at the abyss.

GrassRoot says...

yes, it is class warfare in the Bahamas. the Have's will kick the government's ass (whatever side it is), the have nots have to suck it up, as they cant afford the lawyers. So that leaves the Middleclass..... hello!!! middleclass? anybody home?.... long gone.

GrassRoot says...

besides the usual bipartisan bickering, the Government is doing the right thing. Its looking and going for the money where there is money. Why should the government go after cash strapped property owners that never paid RPT (with or without invoice), all you create is homeless people and a bunch of undesirable real estate on the bankruptcy pile. So much for that. What this Government did wrong was to announce the initiative. It finally does what it should have done a long time ago. So nothing new here. However, the way it is presented It sounds like class warfare and that is what they will get. The good thing with people that have money is they could pay the RPT, the bad news is they also have money to hire all the lawyers they need. Just take a look at the reliability of the Bahamian postal services and 50% of the claims will be contested on the basis of never having been properly served. So good luck with all that. Other than that, I agree with most of the above said. Please Dear Government, stop the bleeding. Stop throwing money of the bridges and shredding it. No rocket science. s p e n d l e s s m o n e y.

GrassRoot says...

how about 200 more seats? so at least 200 families have enough money from all the bribery going on and around.

On House likely to have at least four more seats

Posted 15 November 2016, 12:50 p.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...

Business Ease Slippage ‘Doesn’T Represent Nation’ - I think it does exactly represent the Nation.