Comment history

GrassRoot says...

Trump is the CEO of United States of Tump Inc. He is even so gracious to forego his salary as the POTUS. Sounds like all these CEOs. Who wants to pay income tax if they can get all the dividends for almost no tax.... mark your words. Once the USD gets devalued, Bahamas Dollar either goes with it or the Bahamas becomes so expensive for Americans, that its cheaper for them to vacation in a 5 star hotel in Miami than our shacks over here.

On GB Power: Consumers to pay $25m storm cost

Posted 14 November 2016, 6:55 p.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...

a true victory for the government against crime in the Bahamas. Getting dangerous drugs out of the hands of criminals will make the life of all of us safer.

GrassRoot says...

so lets ask a simple question: what is the use of funds for the USD 2.1 B? A fish fillet factory, shock freezers for crawfish, a couple of boats and Bahamian minions working for less than living wage, does not cost 2.1 B USD...

GrassRoot says...

revenge of the government nerds and minions. Doctor should not have opposed NHI.

On Doctors suffer 6-month hit over tax compliance

Posted 11 November 2016, 1:26 p.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...

maybe dialysis helps?

GrassRoot says...

what I find most surprising and amusing is that whenever one of the Cabinet members makes a mistake, they can not shut their mouth, own it and move on. How long does Minister Gray intend to continue staging his clownerie? Does he not understand that no one is listening to him?

GrassRoot says...

clap clap clap. and now? Same old wine in new barrels?

On A new era: University of The Bahamas chartered

Posted 11 November 2016, 1:17 p.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...

I would think that the offer by Sarkis was made out of pure courtesy. if anyone believes an investor anywhere on the planet (and even close to UK or US courts) would let 600 M USD be taken by thieves without noise, they should go to la-la-land (or move to the Bahamas). The Battle 4 BahaMar is far from over.

On Sarkis’s new offer ‘too late to party’

Posted 17 October 2016, 9:39 a.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...

yea. it has kind of a cool design, no?

GrassRoot says...

so what bothers me is that the journalist does not seem to have tried talking to the DEHS to get a qualified statement from them. Or does Mr. Craig is the official speaker for the DEHS in this matter?