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GrassRoot says...

I always thought it something looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quaks like a duck it must be a duck! no?

*He explained that the amounts listed on those letters were in line with the country’s labour laws on severance pay, but noted that the claims process was not subject to those laws*

I guess more work or Nolle's for the AG.

I think Mr. Smith mindset will be hard to explain to Bahamians.

GrassRoot says...

a high ranking, well decorated, advisor to the current PM, in a private conversation with me over a coffee a few years ago used the term "financial racism". Its not that PowerSecure got chosen because they are "white and foreign", they were chosen because they were "white and foreign and have deep pockets". I would say, what matters is that you have money and are foreign. Then the Government can take your money and do with you whatever they want, like pulling your permits, taking your assets, bending the rules.

On Miller blasts govt over BPL

Posted 9 September 2016, 12:57 p.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...

yes sounds like a hidden sovereign guarantee which, if disclosed would definitely sink the boat on the ratings for the Bahamas.

On Baha Mar payment details revealed

Posted 7 September 2016, 6:37 p.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...

yes because someone other gave the money to the debtor. hence the rules laws and regulations don't apply. And the AG is applauding. AG is a cheerleader.

On Baha Mar payment details revealed

Posted 7 September 2016, 6:35 p.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...

how is going with the oxygen? 4 hours and counting...

GrassRoot says...

Minister of Mis-Information and Un-Education.

GrassRoot says...

to make yourself the darling of the slave master of the financial world (u.s., oecd, eu) may not coincide with the interests of the clients using the Bahamas IFC. there are fifty shades of grey and not only black or white. What the Bahamas is working hard on is not to find a way that opens a niche for it as a IFC to attract new money and deposits and clients, but rather just goes down the same path together with the other cattle being chased around by OECD. Where is the economic citizenship (look at Nevis, Anguilla, Malta, Cyprus)? Where is the ease of becoming a legal resident of the Bahamas within two weeks rather than one year etc.

On Automatic tax exchange set for October discuss

Posted 7 September 2016, 4:27 p.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...

so its ok for the Unions to shut down the country over their grievances, but its not ok for employers to shut down. Maybe employers don't have a choice? Maybe they get shut down by this Goverment's governing...

On PM gets last chance to avoid ‘shut down’

Posted 7 September 2016, 4:20 p.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...

they will all get Bahamian passports so they cant be hanged for corruption and stealing from the People of China. Maybe some Bahamian politicians should start thinking about asking for Chinese Passports?

On PM: Govt has been told Baha Mar buyer’s name

Posted 5 September 2016, 6:21 p.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...

maybe its Anbang? Interesting read in NYT titled:"Behind China's Anbang: Empty Offices and Obscure Names"…

On PM: Govt has been told Baha Mar buyer’s name

Posted 5 September 2016, 6:18 p.m. Suggest removal