Comment history

GrassRoot says...

hey I think once we are all hired by the government all will be good, ey? Pension Fund issues resolved, no unemployment, everybody as a skill that can be used somewhere (licking stamps for example). 100% productive labor force.

On Shock at move on labour laws

Posted 5 September 2016, 6:13 p.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...

Ticks2 you sure have a point. The labor market is played by both the unions and the employers. I would just love to see the same engagement by you when it came to making this government allocate a fair portion of the VAT to make the schools better in this country. That is where this country is rotten to the core. This government is pissing away money as if there was no tomorrow in projects that are not sustainable and were never meant to be sustainable, but were just badly disguised slush funds and corruption allocations.

On Shock at move on labour laws

Posted 5 September 2016, 6:11 p.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...

no problem. just don't hire any people. I mean this government does all it can to stifle economic growth. Not giving work permits for qualified foreign people, not invest in schools for us locals, effectively forcing business to issue an employment guarantee (once employed always employed), not allowing to for underperforming employees to be kicked out, not giving breaks to employers that train employees (like writing and reading, drivers license, professional skills etc). so yes this feels like wonderland. I wonder why anybody would want to invest in this country.

On Shock at move on labour laws

Posted 5 September 2016, 6:06 p.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...

hey maybe NIB can pick up the tab for the celebrations?

On What happened to Olympic team celebrations?

Posted 1 September 2016, 2:12 p.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...

of course the Chinese bank has an interest to seal the record. Its managers don't want to hang in a public square in China in a few years. That does not mean sealing the records is in the interest of the People of the Bahamas. And as said, a project that is supposed to generate a decent portion of the Bahamian GDP is of public interest. And the acting of the elected leaders is of public interest as well.

On PM: China’s call to seal records

Posted 1 September 2016, 2:11 p.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...

I wish the Church would do something against the latent analphabetism and high levels of diabetes and extra martial sex and affairs and husbands abandoning their wives and children and alcohol and corruption. If these pastors are so powerful to turn around a referendum, I wonder what keeps these High Priests' and Judas'es from uprooting corruption and removing this rotten government?

GrassRoot says...

and who can count in this country?

GrassRoot says...

people always say "no" as a default. so next time ask the questions the other way round. With a D- education population, make comics not texts, so they have a chance to understand what they are supposed to decide about.

GrassRoot says...

makes no sense what Rollins says. Rollins is stil here, despite the fact he got kicked out of the party. so not sure he owns the morale highground here.

GrassRoot says...

and - this is not a vote against PLP/Christie. this is a sign how backward and uneducated the Bahamian people are. The (remote) risk of LGBT getting upwind outweighs the legal emancipation of 50% of the population. The people of this country truly deserve the Government we have.