Comment history

GrassRoot says...

sounds about right. 50% of the people = FMN - they get milked. The PLP get away with it. And I am sure the Chinese get away with it.

GrassRoot says...

this coming from a guy that probably voted "yes" but did not have the cojones to stand behind it. Flip flopping his way to the convention, a typical political opportunist. Am surprised that the Tribune still calls him "FMN leader"...

GrassRoot says...

Suggest to exchange "hypocrite" with "bipolar".

GrassRoot says...

this man lied so much (electricity bill, hitting women, and on and on and on), and you say it yourself when you proclaim him the Trump of the Bahamas. what both men have in common is that they don't know anymore when they lie and when they say the truth. He is not better he is different than the other politicians. bad are all of them. bad for you, me, us, the country. time to put all of them into the political garbage can.

GrassRoot says...

he is right. why should the PLP fund the other side, they don't have enough for their own people.

GrassRoot says...

he thinks he speaks for the them - well actually no. he does not care. I doubt that 4000 citizens willingly voted for a wife beater.

GrassRoot says...

we should exile wife beaters.

GrassRoot says...

Isn't he the reason why referees for lower leagues and junior leagues in the Bahamas did not even get their gas reimbursed? Maybe he should not so be concerned about his public image, since this has been in the dog house for a long time but more about his next travel to the U.S.?

GrassRoot says...

anti corruption movements only work if grassroot. it is up to you and you and you and me to get this started. corruption needs to be called out, people need to be shamed, the good forces to be endorsed. This government and the next government will do absolutely nothing to change this.

GrassRoot says...

who needs a passport these days.

On Passport Office without power

Posted 29 April 2016, 1:39 p.m. Suggest removal