Comment history

HarryWyckoff says...

It means the test results were gathered from testing facilities that haven't correctly documented the subject, leaving the already overworked Ministry of Health the task of tracking down those individuals to obtain details on their home residence, last known movements, etc.

HarryWyckoff says...


WHO denounced countrywide lockdowns

The Bahamas has never, **not even for one single day**, been in countrywide lockdown.

The Government have done from day one what every other country is now actually doing, and exactly what the WHO recommends in the statement you are deliberately misquoting:

localised lockdowns

I.E. locking down ONLY the areas with outbreaks.

In the case of The Bahamas, this is an island of idiots who won't heed safely protocols (New Providence), another island of idiots who won't heed safely protocols (Grand Bahama), and a very small number of other islands of idiots who won't heed safely protocols.

Exactly as the WHO advises.

On 14 new cases of COVID-19, two deaths

Posted 25 August 2020, 11:46 a.m. Suggest removal

HarryWyckoff says...

> Why do we still have a shortage of tests, ICU beds, and ventilators?
> Why does our health workers not have proper PPE?

Because you don't want to be taxed.

Remember, **a government only has money it has gathered in taxes**. If taxes are kept low, then the government has no money to cope with a global crises such as this.

Please understand how governments function before screaming for them to solve all your problems with magical unicorn solutions.

On 53 cases of COVID-19 reported on Thursday

Posted 14 August 2020, 2:49 a.m. Suggest removal

HarryWyckoff says...

> I think you meant $491 per day x 33
> boarders x 365 days. But even that
> totals over $7,000,000


Um... back to school for you, too, TribAnon...

491 x 365 x 33 = 5.914m

This is hilarious!

HarryWyckoff says...

From birdie:
> 6 million per year per person

I think maybe you should focus you attention an acquiring some **Grade 2 level** math skills, rather than spouting drivel on here.

If you think $491 x 365 is $6,000,000, then you are clearly firmly in the D- (likely an F) demographic!!

But we knew that.

HarryWyckoff says...

Someone on the right doesn't quite understand how a mask works.

can't imagine they'd have much of a clue about how a country works!!

On PLP slams 2020/21 Budget

Posted 28 May 2020, 9:49 a.m. Suggest removal

HarryWyckoff says...

With no testing, this is meaningless!

If we take the total population of the Bahamas as 386,000 ('latest' count from 2018), then 1670 tests completed mean....

0.43% of the country have been tested.

**less than ½ of one percent**!!!!!!

HarryWyckoff says...

Nothing to do with your alleged 'corruption'.

Third world country with:

- No money to pay for tests.
- No infrastructure to effectively carry out tests.
- An un-educated populace that thinks it's above the law and can do what it wants

The reason for 1 & 2?

40+ years of corrupt governance (thankfully lessened by the current administration for the first time in the country's history!)

The reason for #3?


Now sit small.

HarryWyckoff says...

Wait.... they have a *letter* they **could** have written to the PM?

Why didn't they actually write it?

Maybe cos going to the press about the letter you didn't actually write would get the support of the idiot religious zealots so predominant here?


CC - sit down and shut up.



You know what.... go to church. Nod once, comrade, for yeah, and just go anyway for naaah...

Just go to church.


All of you.

We can get rid of 80% of the country's problem in one 'nod for yes, blink and rub your ear for no" time.

Birdie - you can go too - they'd like you there.

On Churches press for services to resume

Posted 24 April 2020, 2:37 p.m. Suggest removal

HarryWyckoff says...

> Having Minnis assert 'his' right to make generational changes to our economy under an the Emergency Powers Act is a most frightening thought. One would have thought the Bahamian people living in a nation formed as a Constititutional democracy would have some say over profound long lasting changes to their economy through normal parliamentary processes.

I don't think you understand how government works in a democratic society.

The PM was elected by the majority of people in The Bahamas. In doing so, the people implicitly give permission to allow the PM to govern the country on their behalf.

It's quite simple really.