Comment history

Hoda says...

Stop liking your own comments and get a life. You are obsviously amongst unemployed or the jealous Bahamians who have done nothing with their life but spew trash they would never dare say to someone's face. Go clean up your hot house.

Hoda says...

I think all of you who talking about Minnis and FNM are sowing the seeda for the next flip in govt - we really live in bikini bottom. Of course nobody cares what Minnis thinks. Unfortunately, there are some women and men with living brain cells who find it strange that a man who spends his afternoon spewing ignorant, misogynistic, toxic, rape culture ideals, more the notion that a man cannot rape his wife, worst rationalizing how a man could find himself grinding a child in a school uniform is not a criminal deserving extreme punishment has been granted a position advising on the safety and security of Bahamians.

Hoda says...

Disgusting...another man who thinks a man cannot rape his wife

Hoda says...

I wonder if cases surge it will be the govt fault for allowing us to travel and letting the tourist in...but i guess one shouldnt expect ppl to maintain consistency

Hoda says...

Well at least the govt knows their more health visa that took 2 minutes to fill out just a antigen test and per if your not vaccinated. So seems like nothing really has changed other than the two minute form that stressed out the nation

On Health travel visa halted for locals

Posted 9 December 2021, 1:19 p.m. Suggest removal

Hoda says...

Lol, really you saw tourist disgruntled about filling out a form that ask you your flight number and other trivial details? Are you familiar with American Airlines Verifly App - that is essentially is a health visa and asks you the same thing. Why are we bragging about not having to fill out a 4 line

On Health travel visa halted for locals

Posted 9 December 2021, 1:18 p.m. Suggest removal

Hoda says...

I'm not sure, if u watched the live briefing they delivered this information about hires before/on election and how there may be no work for them etc... The reporters asked the minister to come back and asked her if she had a number on how may people, how much it costs? she said no. They asked her for a conservative guess she said 40 people. It seemed like an attempt to suggest something more nefarious and scandalous, like it was 100 hundreds of persons. So, I would have to agree why are you inferring and suggesting something untoward with 40 hires but in the same breath saying the government wants to hire people where there is need etc...

Hoda says...

Well because we have a populace that would rather believe that reason they don’t have what they want in life is because someone stole it or is conspiring against them. Our poor choices and financial decisions have little to no role to play in anything. So I’d like to see how the govt now manifests all the free things that we were promised, rebuild the entire infrastructure of the northern Bahamas, build infrastructure across the Bahamas; switch the nation to alternative energy; maintain every social program, and construct new industries from scratch that are ready to employ a couple 1000 Bahamians each; and drop all taxes to a nominal amount in five years without me feeling a pinch. Hope it goes well.

Hoda says...

Or rather that would lead their opinion to change?

On No certainty over BPL bond, Shell LNG deal

Posted 7 October 2021, 6:56 a.m. Suggest removal

Hoda says...

Is this the same bond the former opposition described as an insidious and ill intended attack on the Bahamian ppl? What changed about the details or terms that their opinion on it has changed, if it has?

On No certainty over BPL bond, Shell LNG deal

Posted 7 October 2021, 4:53 a.m. Suggest removal