Comment history

Hoda says...

If you are familiar with incorporating a company what it is being said is not unheard of. If your family or friends work in some office/law office that office incorporation services it is likely that they are nominee officers/directors/secretaries in all kind of companies - until the owners change it. Just because you are a officer/director in a company does not mean you are a shareholder collecting profit - but they should investigate clear it up and if it ain't nothing it aint nothing.

On ‘Gibson accusations must be looked into’

Posted 1 September 2021, 6:35 a.m. Suggest removal

Hoda says...

Its all very suspect. I find the media push behind this story to portray Penn as unassuming victim suspect too - probably because Penn was trying to run for parliament I imagine she wants the public to blame the bank. But, in reality I find it difficult to completely lay this at bank feet. You buying a car and the seller aint give you no title - that is suspect and should trigger more questions. How were these vehicles being licensed and insured with no title - just a bill of sale?

On BOB secured $34,000 loan on stolen vehicle

Posted 1 September 2021, 6:24 a.m. Suggest removal

Hoda says...

How do you know it is straight up corruption?

On Gibson denies accusations over contracts

Posted 30 August 2021, 5:49 p.m. Suggest removal

Hoda says...

Of course it is. Despite their recent tantrum about Cable Bahamas Ads, the PLP fake profiles and supporters continue to attempt to slander everyone they perceive to be a FNM I guess to the point the insults are starting to not make sense anymore. Let’s not talk about the radio callers - the topic could be gas prices and they call into talking about Brave is the best - it’s disgusting. Also, I mean, it’s not even a poll of 1000 people - why not more data - every week we got a poll of 500 people someone is trying to sell off

Hoda says...


On New COVID-19 restrictions announced

Posted 26 July 2021, 6:44 a.m. Suggest removal

Hoda says...

Okay, Bahamians don’t have these attitudes? No Bahamian is not wearing a mask or taking it off if, only the tourist? I agree the tourist doing it, but for you to say not the Bahamians, no where, never happened… you must be haven’t been outside since bud

On New COVID-19 restrictions announced

Posted 25 July 2021, 11:15 a.m. Suggest removal

Hoda says...

I maybe wrong, I presumed we - bahamian and tourist - were under the same protocols: test to get in and wear your mask in public spaces. I mean I don’t know what goes on in hotels but I inquire the same as in any other privately owned establishment or business - the owner and operates comes up the protocols they find appropriate. at the end of today, shouldn’t the practice be everyone take their precautions? So if tourist X has covid and comes in contact with local Y at fish fry and everyone have on a chin mask and post up at the bar, its the tourist fault or the gotta that the local may get covid. The local has no personal responsibility for himself because the govt let the tourist in aye.

On New COVID-19 restrictions announced

Posted 25 July 2021, 6:05 a.m. Suggest removal

Hoda says...

This line “oh I guess the virus only spreads after 10” is becoming stale and ignorant. Who is suggesting that the virus only spreads after ten, or is that prime drinking, partying and socializing hours for you to take your mask off and spread or receive covid to take home to your vulnerable family members and to work the next day?

On New COVID-19 restrictions announced

Posted 24 July 2021, 12:40 p.m. Suggest removal

Hoda says...

I get your position on tourists obeying protocols, but you could equally be accused of being blind if you are suggesting that Bahamians are not traveling, if you are suggesting that Bahamians aren’t in the malls in florida not wearing masks if they don’t have to, for example, which I see on the social media quite frequently; if you are suggesting we aren’t out and about with no masks on too were it may not be enforced, etc; the reality everyone has a part to play

On New COVID-19 restrictions announced

Posted 24 July 2021, 12:35 p.m. Suggest removal

Hoda says...

Wow, but it is ok when the PLP and their supporters defame, lie, insinuate, besmirch and say all kind of **** daily about people.