Comment history

HolandObserver says...

The country gone!!!!

HolandObserver says...

just disgraceful! our PM needs to man up....

HolandObserver says...

lies! lies! lies!

HolandObserver says...

well, well, well ...what do we have here? Minister Fred Mitchell, I hope that you see that not only your political dissenters and the 'foolish' electorate think that you travel just a tad bit too much.

On Senior PLP criticises Mitchell trips

Posted 5 February 2014, 1:31 p.m. Suggest removal

HolandObserver says...

how are we suppose to reach out and help our Haitian brother and sister when we have people behaving like this. Yes, this was their 'home' but if you live in Rome you must do as the Romans do. This is just utter lawlessness..


Posted 3 February 2014, noon Suggest removal

HolandObserver says...

I hope that this is the end...we have now become a society where a vicious cycle of retaliation ensues.

On Murdered man was on bail over rape charge

Posted 31 January 2014, 11:54 p.m. Suggest removal

HolandObserver says...

blah, blah, blah

On Call to end confusion over death penalty

Posted 31 January 2014, 11:49 p.m. Suggest removal

HolandObserver says...

I mean no harm, but I would suggest that the Tribune use a more flattering photograph of Belina Wilson.

HolandObserver says...

Nicole Martin is the current president of the Hotel Union.

I guess that expat Technical Editor is really 'earning' his pay.

HolandObserver says...
