Comment history

Honestman says...

Everyone getting their cut. Nothing ever changes. We will end up with a sub-standard building that will cost tax payers millions to remedy. Has the BahaMar debacle taught us nothing about dealings with the Chinese? What about the "gift" of the Sports Stadium? How much did that cost

On Residents concerned over $290m hospital

Posted 16 May 2024, 9:45 a.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

Minnis tried to fool the voting public that his government would be different from the PLP, that his FNM would be open and transparent with the people. He lied.

On Pintard is not young generation

Posted 16 May 2024, 5:01 a.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

Our politicians have no heart and no vision. They are self-serving idiots. Useless, all of them.

On Remove VAT from all medical

Posted 16 May 2024, 4:56 a.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

The arrogance of the man hasn't abated with age. Fred Mitchell represents everything that is wrong with politics in this country. Dinosaurs like him should discarded from the political scene and replaced by our best young leaders. It is sad however that our young upcoming leaders wouldn't want their reputations tarnished by getting involved in the mucky world of Bahamian politics.

Honestman says...

A spiky response porcupine but you tells the truth!

Honestman says...

This Government seems to believe that "tourism numbers" is the only barometer for assessing the Nation's health. Much better barometers are: how safe do people feel in their own country? How swiftly and efficiently is justice served? If you need justice in today's Bahamas, well good luck! The courts are log-jammed and prisons are overcrowded. The wheels of justice are grinding to a halt. The preservation of jury trials is one of the final protections afforded to the ordinary man in the street. If a man or woman is wrongly charged then he or she can at least be comforted by the fact that a jury of his/her peers will surely come to the rescue. Abolishing jury trials (even for certain types of offence) would be an admission of defeat by our politicians. Instead of patting themselves on the back for the new record numbers of tourists they should be focusing on improving the administration of justice. Then Bahamians from all socio-economic groups may come to enjoy the quality of life they deserve and the tourism product may be preserved for generations to come.

On Defence lawyers oppose ending jury trials

Posted 20 March 2024, 2:07 p.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

Sears has done nothing wrong. He laid out a plan that was obviously approved by Cabinet. The Prime Minister has back tracked presumably due to some negative noise coming from his supporters. Too near election time to be truthful and frank to the electorate.! The PM has completely pulled the rug from under his minister and will of course blame it on a communication error. Please!!!

Honestman says...

Look, this is not a complex issue. The Bahamian state pension fund is seriously under-funded as several actuarial studies have found. Our politicians have known this for years and they are responsible for the position we find ourselves in. Countries all over the world have a similar problem - growth in retirees outstripping growth in the working population. Our politicians have exacerbated the problem over the years however by investing fund money in some questionable investments. Also, they have continually "kicked the can down the road" by not introducing necessary NIB contribution increases to avoid becoming unpopular. We are now at a stage where the issue has become critical and we need a leader who will be truthful to the Bahamian people and treat us like adults and not sheep. The Prime Minister is not leading on this serious matter and is more concerned with maintaining popularity ahead of the next general election. Yes, we are campaign mode already.! The PM needs to come clean and tell the people the truth: regular increases in contributions are going to be required. He can say it without fear since the opposition party are in a mess at the moment and the PLP is unlikely to lose the reins of power any time soon. So in the name of God Prime Minister, lead the country on this and forget about your re-election prospects. Bahamians are not as stupid as you would like them to be.

On NIB back-pedal ‘no way to run country’

Posted 12 March 2024, 1:14 p.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

Davis won't be happy until the media reports murders in a postage stamp section of the classifieds!

Honestman says...

There is no safe bar or club in New Providence. If young people value their lives they need to socialise with good friends only and away from these places where death can visit over a spilled drink, a misread expression or innocently getting caight up in someone else's argument. It is sad but that seems to be the reality of life for young people in The Bahamas.