Comment history

Honestman says...

The benefit of a complete lock down is questionable but if we are to use that tactic then it has to be for at least a two week period. Weekend only lock downs are a waste of time I fear. Your other recommendations make sense.

Honestman says...

Why are church services being allowed? Surely better from a policing point of view to have everyone off the road at weekends? Church goers can attend services virtually during these weekend lock downs. Makes no sense.

Honestman says...

UN - clearly off his/her meds again.

On Lockdown 'death sentence' fears

Posted 6 October 2020, 10:43 a.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

Jeez, Trump's cult following extends to The Bahamas! Are you all on some sort of medication that leaves you living in some alternate reality?

Honestman says...

Frankly, I'm more concerned with the numbers on the Bahamas dashboard and the fact that our hospitals are currently overwhelmed. Your stats are no comfort to the families of the 101 Bahamians who have already died of this dangerous virus.

On 97 new cases of COVID-19

Posted 2 October 2020, 10:09 a.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

The government has clearly backed off of trying to control the virus. It is too widespread now. It's now down to each of us to take whatever precautions are reasonable for our age and vulnerability. The hospitals are full, there is no vaccine coming any time soon. Take care of yourselves people and your loved ones.

On 97 new cases of COVID-19

Posted 2 October 2020, 9:22 a.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

I would imagine that more than 200,000 American families have little sympathy with the President at this moment. Trump has acted in callous disregard for the health of his citizens.

Honestman says...

“Hence the compelling question remains, as to why middle-income countries are still being assessed by international financial institutions using outdated methodologies that give no consideration to a country’s level of exposure, vulnerability and ability to recover from exogenous shocks.”

The current methodologies correctly rate The Bahamas in accordance with our exposure, vulnerability and ability to recover from weather and economic shocks. We are highly exposed, highly vulnerable and have limited ability to recover. That is all taken into account in our current sovereign credit rating. I am not sure what point the PM is trying to make.

Honestman says...

"Central Bank data for August showed $8.157bn in demand deposits and notes in circulation versus $2.127bn in external reserves"

In reality if The Bahamas wanted to dollarise the economy there would first need to be a major devaluation of the B$. So this is clearly not an attractive option.

On Dollarisation must 'be on the table'

Posted 28 September 2020, 5:22 p.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

The PM's self congratulatory address in Parliament yesterday was an affront to our sensibilities. This virus is clearly trending in the wrong direction and he tries to spin it that Bahamas will soon be open for business if we just adhere to mask wearing, distancing etc...