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ISpeakFacts says...

***"The Bahamas appears to be nearing the end of the COVID-19 wave"*** - *Hubert* *"Lockdown King"* *Minnis*

Minnis needs to be locked away from society, he clearly can't think! Putting this fool into office was the biggest mistake in this country's history, how does one look at New Providence's 150+ daily cases and think its safe to reopen our borders!?

On Three deaths, 194 new cases

Posted 15 October 2020, 3:33 p.m. Suggest removal

ISpeakFacts says...

Those New Providence numbers tho...wonder what they'll look like in a few weeks when Minnis and Super Wash reopen our borders **AGAIN**!

On Three deaths, 194 new cases

Posted 15 October 2020, 3:19 p.m. Suggest removal

ISpeakFacts says...

So the 5 national heroes this year are... a ZNS reporter, a SoundCloud rapper, a corrupt police officer, a high school teacher, and Dr. Nikkiah Forbes.... really???

**what a joke**! The real heroes of this country will never get their credit, the only one who even deserves to be up here is Dr. Nikkiah Forbes, where are the good healthcare workers who are risking their lives as we speak, there is not one mention of the citizens of Abaco and Grand Bahama who went out in boats and tractors to save hundreds of lives during Hurricane Dorian or the ones that stayed back and are helping to rebuild. But I shouldn't be surprised, in 2018 Minnis was recognized as a National Hero even though he is by far the worst PM this country has ever come to know. There really is no hope for this country if we're calling corrupt police officers, politicians, ZNS reporters and SoundCloud rappers "National Heroes"!

ISpeakFacts says...

***"You know the leader of the opposition has to say something. I’m very interested in what their plan is. They’re all about what they don’t like, but I don’t hear what their plan is"***

That's funny because we're 8 months into this pandemic and Minnis and Super Wash still have no plan besides locking down citizens and killing the economy, in fact they still don't even have a plan for Abaco post-Dorian, this administration hasn't done **anything** since taking office!

ISpeakFacts says...

Did they take Minnis back with them?

On Pointe’s Chinese workers fly home

Posted 13 October 2020, 4:47 p.m. Suggest removal

ISpeakFacts says...

Super Wash and Minnis both have their brains set to stupid!

On Lockdowns ‘behind us’ for November 1

Posted 13 October 2020, 2:39 p.m. Suggest removal

ISpeakFacts says...

Good luck getting tourists when Nassau is getting 600+ cases a week! Not to mention no one in their right mind is going to "Vacation in Place" in a police state for 2 weeks! This entire administration is clueless and full of hot air!

With borders opening you can't help but wonder who Minnis and Super Wash will blame this time when the country sees another huge explosion of cases in the coming weeks, because last time I checked according to Minnis you don't need a China Virus test if you've been in the U.S for less than 72 hours and 10 year olds for some reason still don't need a China Virus test to get back into the country. **#clueless**

On Lockdowns ‘behind us’ for November 1

Posted 13 October 2020, 2:35 p.m. Suggest removal

ISpeakFacts says...

***Dr. Minnis and his Cabinet colleagues are not sadistic***

Biggest joke of the day! You say this but have you forgotten that Minnis himself tried to starve the entire country for a week by closing food stores and water depots without any warning! Or what about the outrageous fines Minnis and his cronies gave out for breaking curfew and selling coconuts!

On Sands: We need to reset our strategy

Posted 13 October 2020, 1:54 p.m. Suggest removal

ISpeakFacts says...

She actually did end up catching the China Virus in the hospital and battled pneumonia for two weeks which ended up resulting in TWO heart attacks that killed her, but of course The Tribune is useless as ever so they leave out the most important facts!

On Abaco mother dies a month after car crash

Posted 13 October 2020, 1:12 a.m. Suggest removal

ISpeakFacts says...

How much is Minnis paying you to dance and lick his boots? You must be drinking sum strong kool-aid if you think Minnis has shown any sort of leadership during his tenure! 100+ dead from the China Virus since Minnis decided to reopen our borders in July, and he's planning on making the same mistake again next month!

Why should we commend Minnis for his gross incompetence? He hasn't done anything positive since coming into office, his response to Dorian has been a complete embarrassment, which is why its no surprise to some that Minnis failed to handle this pandemic, the China Virus completely toyed with Minnis' pea-sized brain! At least Minnis die-hards like yourself can brag to others that **YOUR** savior killed the economy, something no other PM could hope to accomplish!

On COVID-19 figures pass 5,000 over the weekend

Posted 12 October 2020, 10:55 p.m. Suggest removal