Comment history

ISpeakFacts says...

This "dog-looking" SOB needs to keep his dirty mouth shut! This is the same corrupt buffoon who said "If you confront police, you best be prepared to meet your maker" Rolle needs to be stripped of his duties immediately!

ISpeakFacts says...

You must be as slow as Minnis if you're blaming the Chinese Virus as the reason tourist wont come to the bahamas, the main reason why tourists wont come here is because Minnis will have them locked in a hotel room for two weeks without any sort of freedom or as the great dictator Minnis would call it... Vacation in Place! (**VIP**) The sad part is that Minnis is so dumb that he actually believes this stupid idea of his will bring in tourists!

On Show me the money

Posted 8 October 2020, 11:35 p.m. Suggest removal

ISpeakFacts says...

New Providence is going for **GOLD** cant no one stop em!!! And can someone please tell the buffoons at the Ministry of Health that "location pending" cases aren't supposed to remain pending after 2 months! At this rate "location pending" will have more cases than Grand Bahama!

On 151 new cases of COVID-19

Posted 8 October 2020, 11:25 p.m. Suggest removal

ISpeakFacts says...

This is what's happening at this very moment! Did you not see the persons arrested for selling coconuts? What about the homeless man given a ticket by a very corrupt police officer for simply preaching on the sidewalk? Or what about the viral videos of the corrupt rbpf/rbdf officers forcing citizens into that smelly ol' police van for simply protesting against Hubert "Idiot" Minnis because he closed down food stores and water depots for an entire week without any warning thus allowing Bahamians to starve?

On Show me the money

Posted 8 October 2020, 8:17 p.m. Suggest removal

ISpeakFacts says...

We all know Minnis and his corrupt cronies alike including the rbdf/rbpf have yet to take any sort of paycut during this pandemic, meanwhile he's shutting down businesses and giving citizens **outrageous** fines for picking up medicine or selling coconuts, but #ItsDaPeoplesTime!

**minnis got to go**!

On Show me the money

Posted 8 October 2020, 5:40 p.m. Suggest removal

ISpeakFacts says...

Common sense doesn't apply to Minnis and his lousy administration!

ISpeakFacts says...

Funny that Minnis is locking down Abaco because he left New Providence alone for **many weeks** when cases were exploding over there! 100+ cases and 1-2 deaths a day and he did **absolutely nothing**...but now this fool has the audacity to shut down Abaco even though he and his lousy government have yet to do anything for the people of Abaco during this past year following Hurricane Dorian!

Has Minnis accomplished anything under his tenure besides killing the economy and starving his own people??? Minnis has shown time and time again that he is unfit to lead, he must resign!

On Abaco seeks Dorian lockdown exemption

Posted 8 October 2020, 3:16 p.m. Suggest removal

ISpeakFacts says...

I'm still wondering how did Minnis have the audacity last week to say the pandemic was nearing it's end in the Bahamas when Nassau was racking up 100+ cases and a death every day!

I continue to say this, but Minnis continues to make himself look even more stupid, something I didn't think was possible!

ISpeakFacts says...

Someone please send this fool to Sandilands **immediately**!!!

ISpeakFacts says...

**June 30th**

- 104 confirmed cases

- 4 active cases

- 0 hospitalized

- 11 confirmed deaths

**October 5th**

- 4559 confirmed cases

- 1942 active cases

- 112 hospitalized

- 132 confirmed deaths (including d.u.i & n.c.r.d)

Somehow Hubert "Category 5 Hurricane" Minnis has done the impossible, he's gotten even slower than before in the head and still thinks its a great idea to reopen our borders **AGAIN** to America! Then we'll begin to surge **AGAIN** and continue to suffer via harsh lockdowns by his majesty!