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IloveBahamas says...

General crazy you are the biggest idiot on here. Do you have the intellectual capacity to do one ounce of their jobs? It is easy for you to hide behind your computer and attack and label one set of people. People with brains and not a rock in their head will have sense enough to inquire if need be if they see two women pull up in a BEC truck knowing their accounts are delinquent. It doesn't take too much brain waves to figure out why they are there. I am sick of all these ignorant people just sending the Bahamas to hell in a basket.

On Two arrests after attack on BEC staff

Posted 29 March 2014, 4:59 p.m. Suggest removal

IloveBahamas says...

I'm lost for words.

IloveBahamas says...

I couldn't agree with you more JohnDoe. Well said!

IloveBahamas says...

Thousands of dollars lost? Weren't some of them the same set of people claiming they couldn't afford the 100 or 200 a month fees. And why do they need to wait to be shut down or have the threat of being shut down to rectify their expired licenses? They were not interested to begin with. Oh please give me a break. Well done officers you are only doing your job. I think it is a good wake up call. When you don't listen sometimes you have to feel first.

IloveBahamas says...

Another fine example of how an industry with its archaic rules is allowed to prosper and flourish at the expense of many. I say well done Justice Allen. The policy owner would have had to have given permission to the driver to drive the car and in doing so is saying that under their policy they are liable for that driver. If permission wasn't given then that car can be reported as stolen and the driver held accountable. In the majority of developed countries car insurance covers your car regardless of who drives it! Get with it Bahamas.

IloveBahamas says...

My condolences to you and your family at this time. I prayer that God will give you comfort in your time of sorrow.

IloveBahamas says...

So hold on...the back doors don't have the child safety locks or did he jump over the seats..which means there is no guard between the front and back.......I'm me out someone to understand????

IloveBahamas says...

Doesn't Perry in that picture have the expression of cluelessness on his face? Tribune please add the word cloud and put in brackets "uggghhhh"???. :)

IloveBahamas says...

This one has really baffled my mind? An old lady like! If he is not mentally challenged I can not even make up a story in my mind as to why he could have done believable story that is. God help the young men in my country.

On Teenager accused of raping pastor's wife

Posted 24 June 2013, 11:35 a.m. Suggest removal

IloveBahamas says...

While a part of me is satisfied with the outcome of the above situation I would have to say that I would have to disagree with most comments calling for more guns as a deterrence or solution to crime (another band-aid fix is not the way to go). Many studies out there provide different views on the impact of loose or tight guns laws have.The fact that there are countries out there with different models with respect to gun laws and different outcomes even with a similar model makes it hard to be clear on the path to walk.
For me addressing the issues that lead to social unrest is the first step to a safer country. Can anyone please show me one study that has been able to show that higher gun ownership means less crime?

On Businessman shoots would-be robber

Posted 24 June 2013, 10:42 a.m. Suggest removal