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IloveBahamas says...

Where is TalRussel at a time like this?? Im waiting for my read for the day!!

On PM speaks out after latest murders

Posted 5 June 2013, 3:15 p.m. Suggest removal

IloveBahamas says...

Couldnt agree with you more BID. All for privatization!!

On Claim over award of contracts

Posted 15 May 2013, 10:46 a.m. Suggest removal

IloveBahamas says...

These so called educated people need to wake up and smell the sulphuric acid! Everyone wants to get something for nothing! How many students give back to COB once graduated? How many students without thinking for a minute find monies to travel and school abroad and cough out up to three times what is being charged at home without batting an eye?
How is the school suppose to grow as a college or worst yet a University if their main goal is to at every groan and moan refuse to make the hard decisions that must be made.
The government has already exhausted the public purse to meet the needs of the University and remain in compliance with its mandate to provide education for all residents of the Bahamas. But nothing is ever enough.GreatReward comes with sacrifice dear COB students.

Let us see how this benefits us all in the end.


Posted 14 May 2013, 12:41 p.m. Suggest removal

IloveBahamas says...

Well said Collin. It is really unfortunate that many people here seem to always want to be blinded from reality and at every opportunity turn each issue into a political affair. Statistics shows that the majority of crimes are committed by our young men. Yes poverty is one contributing factor to crime among many others but like you said if everyone was given jobs and the economy shifted and there was now prosperity and growth, would there no longer be crime? In fact how many of these young men if given an opportunity to make an earnest hard living would actually choose to? Why do that when through a sense of entitlement, lack of respect for life and others property one can go and simply demand what one wants? So what if it there is a negative impact on the country at large, lives are lost, people are hurt! With more babies have babies, more and more illiterate students being churned out of schools, with more and more fatherless/parentless homes, with more and more stronger desires for material things, with more and more people not teaching the youth the meaning of life, hardwork, dedication, respect and love for others, the value of education, there will be more and more people being bred with no morale, no values, no ethics, no long term vision, no goals, no cares, and more and more people dying, suffering. The government can only do so much.

The government can not sit in your house and teach your child civility. The government can not sit in your house and teach your child right from wrong, respect, and love. The government can not teach your child the importance of a good education. We as citizens need to look at ourselves and make changes within ourselves and become more committed to being a part of the solution rather than looking at a chosen few to do miracles!

IloveBahamas says...

Beautifully said IRONVelvet! The law of the land must be followed! As for the jobs again, the number of people that "they" said were employed went from 1000 and something to ?. Rrriighht. Another spineless argument. The isssue goes deeper than jobs, deeper than the so called "oppression" of Bahamian people.!Think about the millions of dollars that are siphoned into the big boy's pockets and compare that to the monies that they pay their employees and invest back into the country. Peanuts I tell you! So how much we as a country really gaining? I will leave that for another day another forum!
This here is simply about following through....following through on your word, and your agenda. The referendum was held on the basis that the government wanted to make a ruling on an issue based on the consensus. The referendum revealed what the people wanted. This occurrence in addition to the present laws and the KNOWN Reality of the web shops function all leads to one thing.....

On FNM leader calls for police action

Posted 15 April 2013, 2:01 p.m. Suggest removal

IloveBahamas says...

My heart is crying as this is a crying shame. We as a country/government need to learn to be proactive rather than reactive. This accident should never have happened in this day and age. The government can find money to fund useless referendums but cant even put light up on a runway? My heart goes out the the people of Mayaguana and the loved ones of those lost!

IloveBahamas says...

Just curious Dr Antoine St Louis what is your recommendation to countries in the East like Kuwait on their immigration policy? This small little nation needs to realize that its just that and stop trying to be like these First world countries in certain aspects. We don't have the resources, economy and structure like they do! If someone comes here illegal why do you think we should legalize their acts? Let people know that if they refuse to abide by the law, immigrate here legally, they must not think that they could come here and find loopholes around the system. Come here legally, contribute to the system and you and your family will be able to enjoy the benefits of the legalized members of the system.

IloveBahamas says...

I am sorry Mrs Carron while I can understand your stance in that as a private business owner you should have the sole right to decide who you want to hire based on your business' needed skills and experience level. However it is also the Government of any country's responsibility to put the citizens of that country health, well being and security first and foremost. In that regard a government should not allow companies/private business owners to constantly and consistently recruit foreign labor to fulfill its labor needs. Instead it should be a partnership between the government and private companies to work together at acquiring the skills needed at home. This can mean investing in transferring skills necessary to someone who has the foundation (educational/technical background) etc or there are many other avenues to doing this. I think it is a good start to forcing companies to think and act in that manner.

IloveBahamas says...

May he rest in peace.

On Tourist drowns at Cabbage Beach

Posted 11 March 2013, 12:56 p.m. Suggest removal

IloveBahamas says...

Yes Jesus would forgive given that he repents or admits to his wrongdoing which in until this day he still maintains his innocence. As for the congregants they are now divided and there is chaos in the church. We are not able to judge one's heart but that is not to say we should not judge one's actions. WE have to. In fact as Christians we ought to in order to condemn wrong and encourage what is right! Matthew 7 v6
Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast
ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them
under their feet, and turn again and rend you.
So you can stay right there putting all your faith and trust into those that tell you that they are the chosen ones, who as a leader has a greater expectation and standard vs the ordinary folk to remain focused and make good choices. We can forgive but forgetting does not mean to ignore what has happened and live on as if nothing has happened.