Comment history

IloveBahamas says...

Refresh my memory? Did he ever admit his wrongdoing? How can one be forgiven for something they don't admit two. And secondly if he did admit this shows that his lack of proper judgement, respect for the church and the need to feed his selfish needs was more important than his commitment to the church. This was not a mistake that happened one time but over a course of months. He had more time to reflect on what he was doing but chose to ignore what he knew could be the potential consequences. A strong leader can admit wrongdoing and or makes decisions keeping the population at large in mind. His decision and or actions failed to do either. He can serve in some other capacity in the church. But his actions has proven him to be an unfit leader. What would Jesus Do?

IloveBahamas says...

Well done Kiwanis. I hope and pray that all citizens of the Bahamas use your exemplary actions to start working towards the betterment of our brothers and sisters. We are truly a blessed country!

On House given overhaul by Kiwanis Club

Posted 29 January 2013, 4:46 p.m. Suggest removal

IloveBahamas says...

The Bible talks about a set of people being destroyed for a lack of knowledge. The mouths of fools feed off of folly! One day 'they say' 3000 are employed by these businesses. The next day it is unknown. I guess we have more shops than I know of because to employ 3000 people you are looking at alot of attendants per store. Secondly if these number bosses were so interested in investing in the country why didn't they dontate to those in need, sponsor education, sponsor security and do all of these wonderful things before this issue surfaced? Can you name one person that is doing a job and volunteers themselves to earn less doing the same job? By selling shares to everyone else they stand to loose. Why all of a sudden are they interested in doing this? People need to spend less time marching and actually analyzing and trying to decipher whats true, realistic and practical and whats not!
Sad thing is these rational comments/opinions will probably only reach those who actually take the time to read the online paper and use their brain rather than not!