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Ironvelvet says...

Oh my goodness!! How disgraceful! There is a protocol for everything. These are the same police who won't go in and raid illegal activities in the number houses, the same ones who don't go into the slums, but go to a place of business of a person who had a applied for a permit? These people need to be properly trained!!! How much sense does it require for you to at least know that an appeal is possible and that it status should be simply checked.

Oh and Mr. Mitchell, please let me know what Bahamian you know can train a sea lion?

On Shock over immigration staff swoop

Posted 24 April 2013, 11:29 a.m. Suggest removal

Ironvelvet says...

Exactly! This is why capitalism and the encouragement of competition is great!

Ironvelvet says...

Bradley Roberts, shame on you! The economic crisis is due to the GLOBAL recession!!! Get it right! People worldwide lost jobs and many of those people who are much more qualified than these Bahamians crying about jobs can't find jobs for the last few years. Did you expect Mr. Ingraham to work a miracle and let our small country be the only untouched land in the world when it comes to this economic crisis? Get real! You talk about the FNM playing politics, who is playing politics now?!

And again let's not forget Ingraham's attempts to get the unqualified masses employed, remember that 52 week job program that your government demonized while campaigning and quickly did away with once you were sworn in....seems a lot like the PLP administration's National Job Program you all are about to roll out. Same thing, different name.

You all haven't done jack since you got in there! Face it, get to work, and stop running ya mouth!

Ironvelvet says...

Why is the commish annoncing his plans to raid them. Thanks for giving them a heads up! Dummies!

Ironvelvet says...

This is the problem....Bahamians in general want to first have a job and then they want the top job, nevermind that they are not qualifed to do the said job. Let's be real Bahamians are trying to live a top lifestyle and everyone wants to go to their job in a suit and tie.

This is the harsh reality that the government needs to just go ahead and say and at the same time offer the Bahamian people better education and tertiary training as Ms. Turner suggests. What is also happening is a clamp down on these top jobs by those older and uneducated at the top who fear job security from the younger, educated Bahamians coming home.

The government, who promised Bahamians first a job and then a chance to have the top jobs are politically stuck with some way to appease the jobless electorate. I do not think it is fair to say that Bahamians are the only people who demand that when you work in a country that we only want our people working that said job, let's look at the recent investments and possible jobs that the Chinese did. They actually built residential faciliites for their workers to come and work their job.

Honestly, Mitchell is right in SOME regards as to the number of expats getting jobs that Bahamians are qualifed to do on paper and can do in reality. However, Mitchell is WRONG in the regard that he is trying to appease the unskilled by making people hire two different individuals for one job in his labour certificates. We must understand that to get a job, one must be qualified.

Ironvelvet says...

What this speaks to is the poor state of the family unit, specifically fathers. Wake up Bahamians, either don't procreate or be better mothers and fathers. If these children came from better supportive homes, these girls/boys, would not fall prey to those exchanging sex for basic needs of living.

On None

Posted 22 April 2013, 12:45 p.m. Suggest removal

Ironvelvet says...

Okay. 2 important points here:

1. Dr. Minnis is absolutely right that it is ridiculous that the President is being used a scapegoat because absolutely the education minister, whom I might mention has been heavily involved with understanding and the readjustment of finances at COB in order to as the minister put it, "make the school run more efficiently." It is equally ludicrous that the PM doesn't know about this since it was part of their campaign promises, and it is a huge part of budgeting in the government finances.

My second point goes to emphasize the importance of any governing official teetering away from intelligence and getting political.

2. While Dr. Minnis means well, let's be frank here its clearly a good way for him to stand with the people who are up in arms with the increase of any cost at COB. However, let's get real, anyone with an iota of intelligence, and Dr. Minnis has alot of it, knows that at some point the tuition and other costs at COB would have needed to increase in order to as the PLP government desires, reach university status.

I think it is unusual that there are 300 faculty members at COB for a place that offers such few full 4 year bachelor degrees and that 70% of the budget is going to only their salaries. In that vein, I stand with the Education Minister that a lot of efficiency changes need to happen.

COB has multilevel problems. Being that we are charged as a nation trying to increase the development of our land we are also charged with increasing the quality and access of education. All levels must be addressed intelligently and without bias.

On President 'being used as scapegoat'

Posted 19 April 2013, 12:24 p.m. Suggest removal

Ironvelvet says...

Did this foolish man just site the 52 week job programme as a waste of money that had to be shut down?! I suppose this National Jobs Program he is about to roll out is nothing like the 52 week job programme. Not to mention his fellow house member Mr. Mitchell is not giving out work permits without labour certificates, i.e. forcing people to hire unqualified people to pay them and the qualified person to do the work for one person.

Befor he starts talking about how the roads project was overspent by 100 milliion, I suggest he checks with his right hand man Brave who just was quoted in the press for how the roads project will not be as overspent as originally thought.

*smt! Give me a break. I'm glad Ingraham left some sort of structure before he left, otherwise we'd really be in a bind. Mr. Christie as you said about COB not knowing about the increases in cost, you seem not to know anything here again.

Ironvelvet says...

Yes, can someone please look into how to go about doing this. I would if I were home.

Ironvelvet says...

I only commented above on their rights as citizens. However, I agree that what they are protesting is ridiculous. The tuition needs to go up as well. Its the only way to increase the level of teaching there anyway, that is if they want to increase resources and better professors. If you can't afford it, go work and save your money.