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IslandTransPlant says...

Some of you guys are so naro minded have you been any were els other than the Bahamas.


Posted 5 February 2015, 9:43 p.m. Suggest removal

IslandTransPlant says...

But when you have bahamian kids running around shooting up the place instead of looking for some honest work but then they were not paying attention in school most of them read at a third grade level these kids deserve a chance to better there life's maybe they will give back more than the ones that's putting other people in danager some of those animals don't appreciate what they have...


Posted 5 February 2015, 9:37 p.m. Suggest removal

IslandTransPlant says...

This is one of the reasons why these monsters are back on the streets killing people, and if the Bahamas is an independent nation why do they have listen to England that is not independence when these murders no that they can kill and they know that they won't be put to death, if you ask me they are encouraging this kind of behavior this guy slid someones throat what qualifies for that kind of punishment These a bunch of people that's out of touch with realty that's trying to make up for all the killing the British monarchy has commit.

IslandTransPlant says...

This guy is dumber than a bag of rocks and if you elect him you will be going from bad to worst, I will bet that he did not write that speech that he gave, you guys saw his action or lack off reaction when challenge if this is what the nation has to look forward to it is sad are you going to tell me there is no one in the country that is willing to step up for the greater good of the nation the people deserves more but the people also have to be smart about this think of who you are giving your vote to if the message does not resonate with you then they don't deserve your vote.

On Minnis: We must be united if we are to win

Posted 4 February 2015, 4:58 p.m. Suggest removal

IslandTransPlant says...

This guy is a dumb ass between him and Ingram they have set the Bahamas so far back that you guys will spend years trying climb out of the whole that they created with that being said it's painful to say this but the voting public Also has a hand in this fight you guys for the last twenty years have only elected these two guys that's still stuck in the 19th country and have not done anything to help the Bahamian people the only thing that they have done is line there pockets and sold out the future of the people.

IslandTransPlant says...

This is a human rights issue and the bahamas government is not playing by the rules set forth stop treating people like they don't matter if the tables were reverse and bahamians were being treated like this by the US there would be an out cry from the government truth is if they were not right you would not have to deFend your actions feeling guilty now that international community is watching right, why should americans spend there hard earn money in a country that's treating people this.

IslandTransPlant says...

Nassau is war zone the government is a joke and so are the residents if they all work together they can stop this kind of behavior at any time, but to tell you the truth some Bahamians have come accept this as normal behavior and that is a sad state of mind
These kids are so numb that it's hard to be leave that they are human they are like Predators and everyone els is pray this is psychology animal behavior that needs to stop if there is going to be a future to this nation.

On Man gunned down hours before his birthday

Posted 4 February 2015, 1:58 p.m. Suggest removal

IslandTransPlant says...

The government it self is hindering prosecution they need to get there Sh?t together ...

IslandTransPlant says...

There is a need for more programs like this ...

On DNA team addresses youth scheme

Posted 3 February 2015, 11:42 p.m. Suggest removal

IslandTransPlant says...

What is so bad about going to church these kids needs some kind of direction and from the sound of it so do you...

On A LIFE OF CRIME: The first five years

Posted 3 February 2015, 11:10 p.m. Suggest removal