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IslandTransPlant says...

KRS1 you are right on point most Bahamian people are to Cort up in them self to care about There own kids they are to busy keeping up with the Jone's the government is worthless starting with the PM-Police Chief and the so call justices system that take so long to try these animals that they get out to commit more murders then there is these scumbag lawyers that file these fake appeals that waste the courts time to put these animals back on the streets what the people fail to understand is that buying these stolen goods is keeping the circle going and feeding the beast that is crime.

On A LIFE OF CRIME: The first five years

Posted 3 February 2015, 11:06 p.m. Suggest removal

IslandTransPlant says...

Can someone why do they sell ski mask in the Bahamas it does not snow and there fore it should not be sold all merchants Selling them should be fine or face jail and when the bags are inspected at the airport if bought in to the country you should pay a fine or be prosecuted the government needs to find ways to discourage crime these killers don't even care about there life's so yours don't mean nothing...

On Pair charged over shooting of policeman

Posted 2 February 2015, 11:07 p.m. Suggest removal

IslandTransPlant says...

This kid needs to get 25 to life because if he gets out he will kill someone the system needs to do more to protect law abiding citizens and the government needs to start sending a message...

IslandTransPlant says...

Some people are just born jail birds...

IslandTransPlant says...

These guys are animals and belong in the cages they are in, the human that they killed he will never see his mother again they made there beds now lay in it, grow some stones and man up, we are suppose to feel sorry for them no and these so call defense lawyers are a bunch of scum bags that will sell there own mother for a buck, wasting the courts time with BS Appeals.

On Police killers jailed for life

Posted 2 February 2015, 10:01 p.m. Suggest removal

IslandTransPlant says...

If you are going to point fingers point for one, start with your self because the Bahamian people are not doing there part in helping you guys are buying stolen goods so you are keeping this going and when it comes to the murders your not getting involve for what ever reason all you people are saying is it's not my problem until it's on your door step and then you want help from the police to help they can not do this by them self wake and
smell what you are shelving...

On Police ‘failed’, says Nottage

Posted 2 February 2015, 7:40 p.m. Suggest removal

IslandTransPlant says...

It's dumb a## people that keep the cycle going...

On Armed robbery suspect shot dead in ambush

Posted 2 February 2015, 7:22 p.m. Suggest removal

IslandTransPlant says...

This message is to the editor do you think its wise to print the victims names that's not very smart...

On Three killed at weekend

Posted 2 February 2015, 5:43 p.m. Suggest removal

IslandTransPlant says...

You can say the same about the FNM the only interest these people have is them self's there all thieves, and there is no honor among them...

On Why an alchemist is needed in the Bahamas

Posted 23 December 2014, 4:45 p.m. Suggest removal

IslandTransPlant says...

Y is this just coming to light the Bahamian government is a bunch of bum Ass mother fathers
they are not doing anything about the crime on the island that is like Cancer, because there to busy taking bribes I was one of the lucky ones my moms bought me my brother & sister to America but I still have lots of family there, right now Nassau is more dangers than Afghanistan and all the so call politician are stuffing there pockets when I first came to America I was so proud to tell others that I was from the Bahamas now am so a shame to even say that am from there all these young criminals are a product of drug addicted mothers & fathers from the 80 & 90's its to bad I have to say this but as far as the criminals go kill them all and let god sort them out.

Happy Holidays...

On $300,000 bribe paid to win BEC contract

Posted 23 December 2014, 4:05 p.m. Suggest removal